I recently posted that Immigration Reform was a subject in which I - TopicsExpress


I recently posted that Immigration Reform was a subject in which I was torn. Firstly because I am an immigrant who might benefit from it as well as my immediate family and secondly because I am a business owner and as such my taxes will be wasted in militarizing/reinforcing borders at my expense and those of you who pay Big Brother his dues. I am not ok with utilizing that money that way. I would much rather it went to improving education and for the well being of everyone in general. It is hard earned money and contrary to many actual citizens of this land I do not get to benefit a whit from my financial contribution to the federal economy. My family has never stopped paying taxes from the moment we immigrated into US. We are not a burden to society in any way, in fact I have always wondered where do people get off calling undocumented immigrants a burden when we pay taxes at every turn. We purchase locally and outside of our communities, we file for return taxes never getting a dollar in return, we don’t use social services in the least. Yet, millions of LAZY AMERICANS benefit from our contribution. I see them at the grocery stores purchasing cigarets and junk with my hard earned money. I see them loitering about on the streets asking for a dollar or intoxicated. I see them dirty and unwashed anxiously waiting for their monthly check cuz mofos’ are too high and mighty to go downtown and look for a menial job. i receive them at my store asking me for a signature on a document claiming that they went out searching for a job. So no, undocumented immigrants aren’t a burden to your society, your own people are. People born under this system who feel entitled to everything. Getting back to immigration Reforma Migratoria, This morning a volunteer for Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) who comes on a regular basis to keep me informed of the going ons and explain misunderstood matters visited me at QB. The way she explained everything to me made sense. Yes, the wait will be long for those who apply, but at least they will be in process something that would not happen otherwise. Yes, there will be billions of dollars misused to militarize the border but this was the only way to BUY VOTES from those who would otherwise oppose the bill including the regular voters who only do what they’re told rather than make up their own minds. The reform would allow those young people who fell at the edge of DACA and would ease the path to legalization in a shorter time. I guess these small victories are better than nothing. I guess I am leaning more in favor for the reforma now, although I am not entirely convinced. According to the volunteer asking for an Amnesty would be like shooting ourselves in the foot because then we’d meet with a solid NO from the idiot Republicans in the House and the Senate. So, if you can vote, please vote in favor of it. Help us bring it about and maybe then there will be hope to modify it in a much better way. I know for sure that the moment I can vote I will make sure that all these injustices and abuses have one more person capable of making a difference to confront.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:02:27 +0000

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