I recently watched and enjoyed the new movie, Gravity, in - TopicsExpress


I recently watched and enjoyed the new movie, Gravity, in 3D. Overall, I like the movie. It has a very simple story: the two main characters are out on a space walk when their shuttle gets destroyed. Their goal is to survive the hazards of space and get back home. The movie is arguably a simple action flick, but its main goal was to shoot for an ultra-realistic feel and first person point of view. I think this movie successfully sets the bar much higher for realism in space sci fi movies and TV and expect to see more in this genre. I would stress, however, that almost everything is exaggerated and there are lots of scientific inaccuracies. Quite a few big things are basically unrealistic and even many small details fall short. Dont let the amazing effects fool you: the scenarios and solutions arent very plausible, in my opinion. Having said that, I give them credit for including a lot of very real hazards of orbit and space travel, including orbital debris becoming projectiles, limits on breathable gasses and propellant, fires in zero G, complex controls for spacecraft, and on and on. So even if theyre exaggerated, each is a very real issue. I think in making this movie, the writers must have consulted a lot of experts in the subject to find just about all the serious things that could go wrong and threw them at the main characters. The result, I found, kept me holding tightly onto my armrests (and girlfriend). Very energetic and emotional story. https://facebook/gravitymovie
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:04:09 +0000

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