I regularly invite people to unlike my page. Hi Sadie, this is - TopicsExpress


I regularly invite people to unlike my page. Hi Sadie, this is Jessica, the owner, creator, and primary voice here. Krista is one of our dedicated admins who helps maintain our community. Heres the thing, this is OUR page, OUR community, OUR voice that we have worked very hard to develop. You say we have a bad name. Sure, there are some that dont like how we manage our community, dont like that we dare respond to protect the work we have labored so hard to create. Like you, there are some that feel we should lay there and take it when somebody brings a tone and message to our community that goes against our mission and our community guidelines. Ill be really frank here, I dont care if there are people that dont like it, I have long ago given up making everyone happy and instead am committed to remaining true to the values we have outlined as core to our community. That includes respectful interactions. If you dont like our community, please, we dont want you to feel forced to stay and support you finding some place else to connect and experiencing the kind of supportive community you feel best fits you. We will gladly continue to support you on your journey but your interactions here will have to accept differing opinions and respectful disagreements. If thats not possible for you then please move on. If we dont like what you have to say we absolutely WILL respond because it is OUR page and OUR work that has facilitated it becoming what it is. Please understand we cant allow messages that go contrary to our core values stand without at least presenting our perspective. Why would it be ok for you to passionately disagree with us but we cant disagree with you? Thats a double standard and worse, its a double standard on our very own page. I hope you can understand why that simply cant be. Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts, I do appreciate that. I do not, however, appreciate how you have spoken to Krista and therefor await your apology to her. If that is not possible, please find the liked button at the top of the page, click it and select the unlike option. It would be wonderful if you could stay and respect our interaction guidelines but I understand if thats not possible for you. All the best.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:58:21 +0000

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