I remember it being early fall of 2013, We were all sitting around - TopicsExpress


I remember it being early fall of 2013, We were all sitting around our smoking table at our home studio talking about exactly how we were going to DOMINATE the music industry and how this EP we were going to write (Destroy | Rebuild) would take us beyond our dreams. We stuck to the plan and stayed focused all year. June 2013 the EP came out and no less than 2 weeks later we got an email that changed EVERYTHING! Suddenly our little SDF snowball started rolling, And picking up speed! Finally there was a team behind us who wanted to knock down walls and create new ones with us. Our dream was becoming a reality. So we did what we knew best, We started writing again! Just off the heels of finishing and releasing D|R we once again hit the drawing board. While things were moving at a fast pace behind the scenes we were at our studio day in and day out writing/recording pre pros. We knew the day was coming where we could finally put out our first FULL LENGTH RECORD. And the day came, Our manager and right hand man Jay called us and told us the deal was set! We signed a deal with KBB Records and 6 days later we were on our way to Long Island to record @ VuDu Studios. We spent about 4 1/2 weeks there. Never once taking a day off. We worked 12-14 hour days. Mike Watts and his amazing team treated our project as if they were in the band. All the pieces finally were falling into place, And the best part is we were all doing it OUR WAY. Now the album is finished and exactly a year after releasing Destroy | Rebuild we will be releasing to you FROM THE GROUND UP off KBB RECORDS while we our FINALLY touring the entire country on this years Vans Warped Tour. So, No matter who you are, How bad you might have it..THERE IS A WAY OUT! We are the proof! For 5 years we worked our asses off and seen zero results, But we never gave up and now we have the chance to show the world our music. NEVER QUIT. - Frankie Screamz / SDF
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 19:09:22 +0000

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