I remember times in my life that I thought all of the confusion, - TopicsExpress


I remember times in my life that I thought all of the confusion, hurt, and unrest that life can throw at you would never end. I know I have more trials to come, but I am so thankful for the life I have. At times it is overwhelming, disagreeable, and demanding, but it is also filled with so many wonderful things that out way the un-pleasantries. I know many of my toughest moments where brought about by poor planning and decision-making. I accept the fact that these where lessons that lead me to the where I am today. I take solace in the world I have weaved myself into. The people, activities, and things in my life give me strength, pride, and fulfillment. I think the biggest difference between my youth and the present is priorities and perspective. Without the life experiences that made me who I am I would not be able to find the serenity I currently enjoy. I feel for those I know that feel like their world is caving in. Take stock of your life, evaluate what is truly important and focus on that. Everything passes with time, good and bad. Be cautious not to cling to the "good old days" to tight or you may miss the good times of the present. Do not dismiss mistakes and heartache to quickly. They are filled with valuable lessons that lead to calmer days. Perspective is only gained from accumulating experience. Gauging the experience against your priorities is what will set your perspective. If a situation did not agree, do not be bitter, but thankful for the lesson. Events are only a failure if you do not learn from them. If you are truly unhappy, then change your priorities. Live life for the learning experience it is and apply the lessons learned and you will find peace.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 17:28:26 +0000

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