I saw a post yesterday on mental illness that struck a nerve. It - TopicsExpress


I saw a post yesterday on mental illness that struck a nerve. It stated that 4 out of 5 people will suffer from a mental illness sometime in their life. It went on to ask why it is so hard to talk about or help others deal with it. I would like to give the definitions of both psychological(mental emotional) and verbal abuse and the effects, some long term, that develop from suffering such abuse. Would you say this would be considered a mental illness not only in victim but in the abuser as well? Psychological- can be more harmful than physical abuse because it can undermine what we think about ourselves. It can cripple all we are meant to be as we allow something untrue to define us. It can include: intimidation, humiliation, degradation, judging, name calling or labeling you, rejecting, excessive blaming to deflect blame onto you instead of taking responsibility for their actions or attitudes. Doesnt notice or care how you feel. Disrespects your request and does as they choose. Withdrawl or withholding attention or affection, uses neglect or abandonment as punishment, emotional distance and silent treatment.isolation. Uses guilt, fear, shame, and intimidation to wear down their victim leaving them feeling helpless and alone. This can result in destroying self worth, psychological trauma, anxiety, chronic depression, PTSD, unrealistic fears, sleep problems, nightmares, and self harm behavior. Verbal abuse is a negative defining statement told to the victim or about the victim or, by withholding any response, there by defining the Target as non existent. Can include countering, discounting, threatening, chronic forgetting, ordering, denial of anger or abuse, tells you that you are worthless and stupid, domination, control, constantly corrects you, treats you as though you are inferior to them, makes you feel as if they are always right, reminds you of your shortcomings, and belittle accomplishments, asparations, your plans, or even who you are. Effects can include clinical depression, PTSD, emotional pain and mental anguish, chronic pain, migraines, frequent headaches, back pain, stammering, ulcers, spastic colon, anxiety, mood swings, and low self esteem. I doubt the one responsible for such behavior will ever recognize just what they have done and still do. And I need to state that in no way is this meant to take all blame from me as I will accept the mistakes, poor choices, or any pain or suffering that I may have caused anyone in my life. I know all to well I have done many foolish things. I live with them everyday especially now.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 18:00:49 +0000

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