I saw something the other day on TV that has continued to eat at - TopicsExpress


I saw something the other day on TV that has continued to eat at me- ... it was a segment on women discouraging young moms from working to "climb the corporate ladder" and idolizing staying at home with your kids- criticizing moms for sending their kids to daycare and letting someone else take care of their child for 8 hours a day. I "stayed at home" for a year—worked only on weekend nights, closing shifts at Red Lobster. Staying at home with Kalan was a magical experience & I would never change the time we got to spend together when he was first born, and I think it is important for me to go ahead and say STAY AT HOME MOMS ARE AMAZING. That “job” was harder than any job I will ever experience as far as constantly trying to maintain a home & meet the needs of a little one and the list goes on and on and on and never ends. HOWEVER, I, personally have always had a deep passion to WORK… and WORK to do something I truly love—and that passion so happens to fall in the corporate world. When I stayed at home with Kalan, I experience a nagging desire to get back to work! Something that I couldn’t possibly ignore. I am a full-time event planner in the corporate world- a dream career, a career that takes up 40 hours a week, not to mention 25+ events a year that take up after work hours, weekends, and overnights (yes away from Kalan). AND eventually I plan to move up in the company & take on more hours than I put in now. Here’s my thinking… there is nothing wrong with teaching your kids that it is GOOD to follow a dream. And that it does take sacrifice to follow a dream. However, I feel that my dream is in no way neglecting Kalan of me. When I check out of work--- I MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, & EMOTIONALLY CHECK OUT. I rarely talk about work at home. I never check out from being a mom--- when I am at work, I still worry about Kalan, I still plan for school parties, I plan what to make for dinner, I take my 30 minute lunch to go to Wal Mart to grab diapers, pajamas, snacks, etc. When I am on an event, I am constantly calling to check on my little boy. I am always a mom…. But I am more than a mom. I feel like it is important for women to know it’s okay to still have a dream, to have hobbies, to have friends, and to have fun. I am a mom, but I am also a career woman… I just don’t know why the two have to be separated. I want Kalan to know that a dream and hard work can and will pay off-and that even though you have kids, you don’t have give up a dreams because the “stay at home” qualities are what society idolizes. Obviously, faith, love, understanding, patience, selflessness and compassion are the most important things you can teach your kids--- but what happened to self confidence, work ethic and determination? Basically, my rant is--- why do people think it’s right to tell a stay at home mom to get to work---or to tell a working mom to get back in the kitchen. IF YOU CAN DO IT, DO WHAT YOU LOVE--- if not, DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO to feel good about yourself at the end of the day. If you’re doing what YOU feel is best for you and your family at the end of the day—then it’s no one else’s business.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:21:15 +0000

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