I saw this video yesterday. And I laughed at first. I mean, this - TopicsExpress


I saw this video yesterday. And I laughed at first. I mean, this is ridiculous. This guy, according to what I understand, has a car to pay for, has completed college and has student loans to pay on, and he just sits home and plays his games. But then I realized, I dont have the right to laugh at this. Im 28 years old, I live with parents, I have no job, and I have not yet completed a college level education. I dont get to laugh at this. The dad in this video says something about the pool needing to have been cleaned out for 3 months (and I believe he was saying that the son was supposed to have done it). Yeah, I do chores around here, and I try to be good about it, but Im not always. I slack off. And Im on the internet. A lot. Im not much better than this guy. Granted, if the internet was shut off, I wouldnt throw a tantrum like that. Hell, when I was little (I dont think I was even five), my grandmother would tell me that if I didnt pick up my mini Legos, she was going to vacuum them up. Well, one day, she did. And I was upset, yes...I think I even cried because my favorite little guy went missing and I feared he had been vacuumed up...but I didnt scream and throw a tantrum like that. Id been warned, and after that, I made darn sure to keep them picked up when I wasnt playing with them. All the same, I have no right to laugh here. And in all honesty, I deserve my internet shut off to get my butt moving, in regards to my life. Fortunately for me, Im not the only one that uses the internet. But no matter, Ive decided to get working on my life anyway. Ive run up my student loans quite a bit; Ive got only $27k or so left that I can borrow. Its my own fault, I didnt know what I wanted to do with my life, and I suffer from ADD, so I just went with wherever the breeze blew me. And yes, I do know now that Id like to be a chef...but I need to face facts on that. I dont have the loans left to complete that degree. Ill be lucky to complete the one Ive decided on. And, I love cooking, and seeing people smile when they eat my food, but Ive known all along that I do not have the stamina and endurance to work in a professional, fast paced kitchen. Im obese, and my body is only good for short term bursts of strength; it cant handle working like that for so long. I will always love to cook and bake. But Ill do it for friends, family, and loved ones, not as a career. Instead, Ive decided on something that I think Ill not only do well with, but that I may even have fun doing! Network Administration. Ive always been decent with computers, and can grasp concepts surrounding technology rather easily. I have fun working with them, when family or friends have problems. And I believe I could do this, for a living, with the right education. Im fortunate, too...for all the student loans Ive run up, I have actually managed to complete my general education core, and I even have a class done that is needed for this major. I will be working on getting back into school for the Spring semester, and Im hoping that theyll have some of the classes I need to start off with available for that semester, too. Ill be finding out for sure on that tomorrow. Anyway! Enjoy this video of this dude having a meltdown. And laugh at it. I know a lot of you may flip because the dad couldve sold the games instead of demolishing them, but...ya know, that wouldnt have had the same effect. And maybe now, this guy will get it, and get off his ass.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 13:44:58 +0000

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