I seem to have really pissed off some racing fans with my earlier - TopicsExpress


I seem to have really pissed off some racing fans with my earlier posts. First off, I admire your passion for your sport and or favourite racer. Some of the angrier messages I received were clearly from people who love Tony Stewart so much that they cant even contemplate that he was even involved, they blame the other guy and call him an idiot or moron -- completely ignoring the fact that the very person they are calling name is DEAD. Like, NEVER coming back. D.E.A.D. I dont follow the sport, Ive never done a lap in a car on a dirt track and the only reason I even know the name Tony Stewart is because hes appeared here locally a few times and a lot of my friends who like racing lost their shit with excitement. Im not saying he murdered anyone and Im not even claiming to know what happened -- I can ONLY make guesses from the same video you all saw. Thats all they are, guesses... my guess is that Tony tried to shoot some dirt at him or scare him, not run him over -- it doesnt take a genius to know that hitting somebody with a car opens up the possibility of death. He very well could have been swerving to avoid him, as Im told you need to rev the engines on those cars to make them turn -- again, I dont know the sport or make any claims to. My issue was that I woke up to the manager of the team saying Its business as usual and that Tony would race today -- and that comment seemed very heartless at the time and I was upset to see he was planning to race. Some people said he had to because of sponsors, well I dont know racing... but I know marketing and trust me when I say this, ANY of the brands that are attached to the name Tony Stewart would NOT want him to race. The last thing a brand wants is a public backlash, look at all the previous athletes who did stupid things and how quickly their sponsors dropped them. The sponsors will wait to see what happens with the investigation, that will dictate their next moves. Im happy to see that he didnt race today, not just out of respect for the dead but respect for the sport. Also, if I was racing today I wouldnt want him out there -- with those cars going as fast as they do, you want the other drives around you to have their head in the game. In closing, I dont know Tony Stewart from Adam... but a quick search reveals that hes had a lot of anger/temper issues on the track and that doesnt bode well for this situation -- trust has to be put in the hands of the investigators who will look at all angles, talk to all parties and make a professional conclusion. Until then, rest in peace to Kevin Ward Jr.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 22:40:16 +0000

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