I share the following with the deepest possible humility but at - TopicsExpress


I share the following with the deepest possible humility but at the same time with the greatest possible pride and thankfulness. I read these words from an e-mail I received just a few moments ago--an e-mail sent by an amazing man I served with in Viet Nam 45-46 years ago in Alpha Company, 3rd Recon Bn, 3rd Marine Division. "You know Jim, life can pass so quickly, as it has for both of us, yet the closeness two people can share, as I feel we do, is amazing. Having shared what we did, has a way of connecting folks, like no other. I adored you during that time in my young life, I was only 20, & those feelings & admiration still remain, today! Everyone who served under your leadership, felt that way. Dear friend, I will try & be a better communicator. Just know that the feelings have never changed. It truthfully seems strange not to address you as "Lt Petty"!" Most of those who read this will have no idea how it makes me feel. I loved the Marines and Navy Corpsmen I served with; my respect for those good men knows no limit and no end, except when death takes me. To have their respect and confidence meant more to me than life itself. I would have rather died than let them down. I would not trade one minute I served in the United States Marine Corps for all the money in the world. All these years later I confess that, with the exception of my wife, I have never placed such trust in any human beings as I did in those young Marines and Corpsmen. I have tears in my eyes and goosebumps covering my body from head to toe as the words "Semper Fi" run through my mind. Always Faithful! No matter what the situation or circumstances. No one is ever really worthy to lead Marines in combat, most especially someone like me but God, in his great grace, blessed me with that honor. I welcome the opportunity to stand before Jesus one day and give an account of that period of my life. The closest thing to the Christian faith I have ever experienced, I found in the Marine Corps. Selfless men, committed to a mission greater than themselves and to each other in unbreakable, unending bonds of brotherhood! Semper Fi! Semper Fi! SEMPER FI!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:30:49 +0000

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