I slept an hour later than the previous night but actually slept - TopicsExpress


I slept an hour later than the previous night but actually slept less than I have all week only getting 5.75 hours of sleep. It was the first night of no narcotics so I am figuring that affected how much sleep I got because it has happened every time we have adjusted my overnight pain medication. While I waited for Laura to wake up I relaxed reading Becoming a Supple Leopard. I have been trying to sneak in reading whenever I can since I spent so many weeks not being able to read anything. I ran errands for the first time today with Laura. It’s funny the things that you mark as milestones such as going to the grocery store for the first time or going to Target. Running errands was the farthest from the house that I have gone since coming home. It doesn’t sound like a big deal but we have purposely tried keeping me within a short distance from home just in case I started to slide downhill at all. While we were at dinner last night Laura’s colleague dropped off food again. I enjoyed that for lunch - a healthy chicken salad and lentil salad. Following lunch I was still feeling strong so we went for a 2.65 mile walk. It was a really hot day but felt good since it was the first longer walk we’ve been on since the seizures. We used to go on long walks or hikes every Sunday as a way to get extra exercise and spend time together. However, over the last couple of months dealing with my injuries and recovery, we haven’t been able to go. Unfortunately one thing neither of us thought of until mid-walk was protecting the scar on my head from the sun. I am hoping that I did not do too much damage to it. I am planning on calling the neurosurgeon in the morning to check with him. It was a question that we forgot to ask the neurosurgeon when we met with him earlier in the week. The orthopedic surgeon gave us clear instructions not to get any sun on my shoulder scars for the next year while they heal. I would assume that the scar on my head will be the same thing. With another few hundred steps which I will get when we walk Sasha before bed tonight, I will surpass 10,000 steps for the first time since I went into the hospital. Previous to being injured I would rarely hit 10,000 steps except on Sundays but I still like keeping it as a daily goal. After not talking with them for a few days I chatted with my grandparents for a bit tonight. Im looking forward to seeing them in a few weeks when they fly here. My uncle and aunt were staying with them so I had a chance to talk with my uncle too. It was great to talk with my uncle. We dont talk often but he is awesome. For dinner Laura cooked up healthy stuffed peppers using this recipe as the base. It was a delicious home-cooked meal. We are watching the New England Patriots leading going into the 3rd quarter. If they win it will be a great Sunday for me with the San Francisco 49ers winning earlier today. I am also winning this week in Fantasy Football. This weekend we made a lot of progress in my recovery. I hope that you had a restful weekend. This was also posted to Built Unstoppable: bit.ly/1vFQMqT
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:46:58 +0000

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