I spent considerable time studying the Caliphate and reporting on - TopicsExpress


I spent considerable time studying the Caliphate and reporting on it in my blog called The Liberty Tree Lantern back in 2007 - 2008. I even was in contact with Brigitte Gabriel who was impressed with my findings and reports on the subject. I know and I understand these evildoers. So with the fact of my perspicuous enlightenment of this evil, hopefully you can also procure the epiphany that the rulers and higher powers over America and over our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers, who are We The People, MUST focus like a laser beam on restoring the RULE OF OUR LAWS upon our elected usurpers and despots. We The People, according to the Preamble of The Constitution, ordained and established, OUR laws to limit them to the eighteen powers and spending privileges WE granted them to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. The restoration of OUR laws upon them WILL make We The People nearly indestructible from our elected enemies of our Bill of Rights, from their marionette handlers, and from the Caliphate. The Caliphate has formed an evil bond with the puppeteers dangling our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Constitution. The Caliphate is BEING USED by The private owners of The Federal Reserve System, who primarily reside in London, to DISTRACT and DIVERT us rulers and higher powers ordained by God (see Romans 13:1-5) so that WE The People do not restore the Rule of OUR Constitutional Laws upon our elected servants in America, as is our duty to the honor and glory of our Creator. Most specifically our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws which are the two MOST important supreme laws of the land that support, protect, defend and will RESTORE our ENTIRE Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, our WHOLE Constitution, our American Middle Class weekly paycheck to FULL value and nearly double them, our economy, our local hometown and city small businesses, our jobs, our INDIVIDUAL and STATES Rights, our State and individual sovereignty, our FREEDOM and our REPUBLIC of laws, not men. The fact that the Caliphate has joined forces with the Fabians/Socialists/Communists of the owners of The Federal Reserve System was largely proven, in detail, showing the root of the Tree and connections, by Glenn Beck on his black board, when he was still with Fox News Channel. I have reason to believe that he forwarded information that I provided him to his brainroom to research providing the yield of what he presented to us on the blackboard. We The People MUST NOT let the Caliphate, nor our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, distract and divert us rulers and higher powers ordained of God (Romans 13:1-5/Preamble of The Constitution/2nd paragraph of The Declaration of Independence) at the miracle of Yorktown, where He, according to testimony of General Washington, delivered the SWORD of our first World superpower Colonial Government into our farmer, rabble and peasant American Militia hands, from RESTORING the RULE of OUR laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of The Constitution. Therefore, BE RESOLVED to join We The People at SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION, so that WE CAN UNITE to restore these two supreme laws; By the peaceful resolve of highly and strictly Constitutional STATE legislation, WE shall compel our local hometown Assemblymen and State Senators to sponsor and facilitate the passage of our State Joint Sovereignty Resolutions with Arrest Provisions, leading up to incremental State nullification of all UNLAWFUL Federal spending, usurpation, and UNLAWFUL Acts of Congress and/or the Executive branch that exceed the eighteen limited powers and spending privileges We The People granted them in The Constitution. ONLY BY THESE MEANS will We The People absolutely restore America and our Republican form of Government (Article IV Section 4), so that our elected usurpers can no longer buy elections, using our own labor against us through unlawful extortion of our IRS stolen wages, salaries and property, all done in shear recalcitrance to the findings and rulings of the Supreme Court of The United States. Our elected Republican and Democrat scofflaws use our own earnings to transfer our American Middle Class property to others and to THE KRONIES, to buy elections from the American voting MOB, as if we had a representative Democracy. A representative Democracy was the worst nightmare of our Founding Fathers and the reason they drafted The Constitution and most importantly, to enforce the point, our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws upon our elected and wannabe elected Republican and Democrat usurper scofflaw enemies of our Bill of Rights, of our wages, of our salaries, of our economy, of our small businesses, of our jobs and of our FREEDOM! Those who would trade our freedom for the soup kitchen of the welfare state have told us they have a utopian solution of peace without victory. They call their policy accommodation. And they say if well only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy, hell forget his evil ways and learn to love us. All who oppose them are indicted as warmongers and defined by DHS as Domestic Terrorists. They say we offer simple answers to complex problems. Well, perhaps there is a simple answer -- not an easy answer -- but simple: If you and I have the courage to tell our elected officials that we want our national policy based on what we know in our hearts is morally right. Every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning so-called Conservative friends refuse to face -- that their policy of accommodation with the Tories (BIG GOVERNMENT loyalists and lovers), the Democrat and the establishment Republican Parties is appeasement. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand -- the ultimatum. And what then -- when President Barry Soetoro has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that were retreating under the pressure of the economic hardships and (Constitutionally contemptuous) Government regulations, the financial burdens of the foreign invasion now resulting in amnesty and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side hes heard voices pleading for peace at any price or better Red than dead, or as one commentator put it, hed rather live on his knees than die on his feet. And therein lies the road to war, because those voices dont speak for the rest of us. At SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION we have an entire ARMY, here, , , in defiance of tyranny. They come, from across The Republic, to fight as FREE MEN. And, FREE MEN you are! What will you do, , , WITHOUT FREEDOM? WILL YOU FIGHT? Some of you are afraid to fight against the full might and power of our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers, who year after year disobey the Supreme Court of the U.S. and send in their IRS thugs to steal our wages, our salaries and our property so that they can buy elections by transferring our property to others, instead of obeying our Ninth and especially our TENTH Amendment laws. By these unlawful means they extort much from our weekly paychecks, which under the RULE of OUR laws and in conformance with the rulings of the Supreme Court should be nearly double their current size. If our elected usurpers would thus obey the RULE of OUR laws, we and our families could be enjoying the Blessings of Liberty flowing from the Lord our God. The very God who delivered to We The People the SWORD of our first Government. Those who are afraid to FIGHT RESTORE the RULE of OUR Ninth and especially our TENTH Amendment laws upon our elected and wannabe elected servants say, instead; AGAINST THAT? NO! The U.S. Government is too many. We will run,,, and we will live. Aye... FIGHT to RESTORE THE RULE of OUR Constitutional laws upon our elected enemies of our wages, salaries, property and FREEDOM, and the full might and power of the U.S. Government may descend upon many of us. Perhaps some may even be put in prison or, perhaps, even die. After all, was this not what the Battle of Bunkerville Nevada was all about just a few short months ago, when the American Militia Freedom Forces forced the fully armed tyrants of our Federal Government to surrender? Aye... Run, continue to compromise, appease and retreat from our Constitutional, FREEDOM and American economic principles, and you and your family may avoid the threat of prison and live, in poverty, serfdom and vassalage, at least for awhile... And, dying in your beds, many years from now, WOULD YOU BE WILLING, to trade, ALL THE YEARS, from THIS DAY to that, for ONE chance, , , JUST ONE CHANCE, , , to come back here, and tell our elected Constitutional enemies, that they may take our lives, as they may well have done to the 5000 Americans protesting and demonstrating in Bunkerville Nevada just a few short months ago, BUT THEY WILL NEVER,,, TAKE,,, OUR FREEDOM? Alba gu bràth ---> AMERICA FOREVER! youtu.be/lEOOZDbMrgE Join; SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/ - Capt. Karl #Amnesty #GOP #Democrat #Border #BorderCrisis #9thAmendment #10thAmendment #economy #jobs #wages #salaries #economics #Freedom #Constitution #RuleOfLaw #IRS #Taxation #IncomeTaxes #PublicDebt #SFNATAC #SOLIDARITY #COALITION #NFL #Packers #Playoffs #TEAParty #Conservatives #BillOfRights
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 22:16:53 +0000

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