I spoke to a friend who is a minister of Christian faith, his name - TopicsExpress


I spoke to a friend who is a minister of Christian faith, his name is Russell Eugene Lomax. I really enjoy having interfaith dialogue with him. He was speaking to me of nourishment for your soul and character over world possessions. He didnt say it was wrong to have worldly possessions, however he mentioned that it should not define who you are or make u feel superior than those who may not be blessed to have as much as you have. I told him thats true... i recently came to the realization that Jesus was a homeless man without possessions and only one pair of clothes so in essence the messiah of.christian faith probably appeared as one of the homeless people we criticize today. He said that is right. He was homeless. Because his purpose was not to embellish himself with worldly possessions because he.didnt need anything of.this world, he had.everything he needed in heaven. So during his time he did not live like t.d jakes or the olsteens... he didnt care for representing gods blessings through material display but simply he went through out the land preaching the word of God. He then went on to say do u not realize jesus was the only prophet that did not have worldly gifts or admiration, he didnt do it for his own glory . He was the only figure that gave up his own life , that died for his mission. He told me You young folk are always worried about.money and looking good and getting respect from others But He said let.not.your possessions define who you are, let what is inside define who you are. For you could have all the riches in the world, all the muscles in the world, and be extremely beautiful but just as hollow and ugly inside and of.low.character. He said i know u love bodybuilding and you take pride in your physique that is not wrong . That is your desired occupation, but dont let it define who u are. Dont let it occupy all of your soul. For the Devil attacks you in three method, lust. Pride. Fleshly desires. Pride being one of.the.best methods. Vanity. A good 42 minute discourse it was.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:22:10 +0000

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