I stayed off FB for a while after my son was falsely accused of 2 - TopicsExpress


I stayed off FB for a while after my son was falsely accused of 2 felony charges involving graffiti of a church and school. I could no longer mentally or emotionally face the horrible things the public was saying. My neighbors. My friends. I tried to keep track and defend him as much as I possibly could until I got word of the warrant affidavit. The lies and the twisted words of the Arlington investigators. Investigators that I invited into my home to share information with regarding my concern for the recent graffiti showing up in our quiet south Arlington neighborhood. Investigators I had actual evidence to share with. Evidence that didnt involve my son. But the fact is, Trevor was an easy target. And a victim of prejudice no doubt. They were able to take everything Trevor and I had shared with them and twist it around to make him the suspect. It was a lot easier than having to do an investigation and search for the actual criminals. The media seemed confused at the time as to why White Settlement didnt participate and include their investigation with the charges Trevor was facing. Since the graffiti was identical. White Settlement also declined to comment when questioned about it. This is because White Settlement was continuing their investigation. Or, shall I say, White Settlement was actually engaging in an investigation, unlike Arlington. The reason this is important to what I have to say is because in recent weeks, White Settlement has actually completed their investigation and charged 2 juveniles. Its my understanding that these individuals were actually caught on video in action. With that being said, dont think for a moment that Arlington police will consider dropping the charges against my son. They will never admit they were wrong. We will never hear an apology for the stress and trauma this has caused our family. We will never have an explanation or apology for the day Trevors 8 year old autistic brother had to watch a team of Arlington police raid our home looking for him without even allowing us to exit our vehicle and enter our home. Or without any mention of a warrant or reason for the raid. We will never know why Arlington police went straight to the media to alert the public that Trevor was wanted for 2 felony warrants without advising Trevor or myself that these warrants existed. Or why the public was advised If you see the individual, do not approach him, call 911 immediately. As if he was a danger to society. These are all things we will never have the answers to. Because if theres anything Ive learned from this, its that law enforcement is no longer about protect and serve. Im not sure when it happened but at some point in recent years, law enforcement has become more about pride and prejudice. In recent weeks, Ive read disturbing stories in the news that further prove my point. A story of a black man in Louisiana who was arrested for suspicion of being involved in an altercation at a convenient store. Who, after being patted down and searched at least 2 times prior to being placed in handcuffs, and who was left handed, somehow miraculously managed to retrieve his weapon from wherever it was hidden and shoot himself in the right side of his chest while in the back of a patrol car with his hands cuffed behind his back. Autopsy report also states that the gunshot wound was not from close range. Police still stand by their suicide claim. Another story of a woman who called police to help her calm her disabled son who was having a breakdown and needed help getting him to the hospital. Her son who was unarmed and ended up shot and killed because according to police We dont have time for this. He was shot AFTER being taised and was laying on the ground. Both of these individuals died instantly. Im not sure when the change in law enforcement took place. Ive always raised my children to respect police. Ive always taught them that the police are the heroes. I have family who served and retired from law enforcement. I, myself, had dreams of being a military police officer for the Air Force. Dreams shattered by a tragedy I may never discuss with any of you. Another tragedy brought on by authority. It saddens me that my eyes have been opened to all of this ugliness. It saddens me that Im unable to mask this ugliness and save my children from the pain of this reality. It saddens me that my son who suffered from depression for many years and who is trying to do something positive with his life has become a victim. A victim of pride and prejudice. Prejudice isnt about race. Its not black and white. Its not male and female. Its simply about being different. Different has unfortunately become an easy target. And even when the facts are clear, pride stands in the way. Somehow its easier to follow through with charging an innocent child than it is to admit mistake as a police officer. And even more tragic, it seems to be quite common these days to take pride to such an extreme it leads to taking the life of innocent victims. Ive read so many articles and comments in the last few months from other countries. Foreigners are afraid to come to the United States. Scared for their lives. Scared of those who are supposed to protect and serve. And those who arent afraid are referring to our nation as a joke. When will it end? When will each and every individual be held accountable for their actions? I no longer feel safe when I see an officer of the peace. And I damn sure wont ever be comfortable reporting suspicious activity or volunteering any information. After all, for me, thats where all of this madness began. Thats what opened my eyes to the fact that cops really are above the law. If youve read this far, I assume you are interested and possibly share the same concerns. You are welcome to share my story. Please do. I will share it and spread it as much as I can. Feel free to do your own research of the other stories Ive mentioned. Theyve all been in the news in the last week and shouldnt be hard to find. I know it takes courage to say such things. But its obvious to me that its up to us as individuals to make a difference. Just because the police say something to the media, it doesnt make it true. And just because the media reports something to the public, it doesnt make it true. Its important we do our own investigations and come to our own conclusions. The insanity has to stop. We should be able to trust those who we were brought up to believe are there to protect and serve. And, on a final note, the mom who called the police to help with her special needs son, she has to live with that decision for the rest of her life. A decision that in theory was the right decision. But that ended up getting her son shot and killed because the police simply dont have time for that.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:04:42 +0000

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