I stepped out of my comfort zone, and faced with a 2-hour lunch - TopicsExpress


I stepped out of my comfort zone, and faced with a 2-hour lunch break, walked as many streets of downtown San Diego as I could. Conclusions--there are a lot of really interesting, well-maintained old buildings. The one that stuck me the most was the old post office on E street. Didnt know that was still there. Horton Plaza is as confusing and frustrating as ever. The Jimbos there is nice. People were passing out free flowers for Kindness Day. I didnt run into any people who scared me, even in the downtrodden areas. In front of an upscale restaurant, there were Common Core protesters, whose signs said they were representing a Christian group. I asked them why they were protesting in front of this restaurant. I identified myself as a public school teacher and a Christian. They told me that the Secretary of Education was in there, and talked down to me as if I was stupid for not knowing this. I asked them about the connection between the Christian group and their objections to the Common Core. They said This country was founded on Christianity. Hmm. I thought we were supposed to have freedom of religion and separation of church and state. The guy was a complete dufuss who was stumbling on nonsensical arguments. I wondered why I bothered to talk to them. What I did tell them was that their signs give the impression that their objection to Common Core is a right wing Christian opinion. They said YOURE RIGHT. They thanked me for bringing that to their attention. One issue at a time, maam.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:22:35 +0000

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