I still dont see how people are attempting to justify Israel - TopicsExpress


I still dont see how people are attempting to justify Israel firing upon a United Nations building. Whether or not there are member of Hamas inside doesnt give anyone the right to fire large munitions upon it. Here in the civilised world we use a group of elite soldiers/police to collect intelligence on the scenario and the engage it through the actions of infiltration and elimination/rescue/arrest. We do not flatten the building and its occupants through aerial or artillery bombardment. Not only is the murder of civilians a war crime but firing upon UN assets? The UN is an organisation founded on the principles of preventing and quelling conflict around the globe and providing humanitarian aid and development to countries/states that require it. The UN is a neutral organisation that aims to bring about peace, armed for the occasion of intervention in conflicts where a civilian populous is at severe risk. Not only am i surprised that the United Nations have not intervened in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by separating the oppositional forces geographically with a green zone manned and patrolled by the neutral force, but also think of the result of a retaliation of all 193 UN member states (excluding Israel themselves of course) against Israeli cities and military positions. The entire region would be decimated. Obviously this isnt how the UN do things and with Israel being a member state, they should know better than to operate their forces in such an unjust and unorthodox way. And after World War II of all the people in the world to know what persecution feels like why they then have to persecute the palestinians is beyond me. Ridiculous!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:02:01 +0000

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