I sure appreciate the God whos side by side with those who are - TopicsExpress


I sure appreciate the God whos side by side with those who are mourning and grieving a whole lot more than the portrayal people give Him from using a Scripture reference out of context and out of view of the ENTIRE Bible as though Hes so righteous, holy and inaccessible to man. He subjected His blameless Son to an unjust punishment that was COMPLETELY undeserved and despite all of that trouble, He NEVER forces Himself on any of us. Tell me again that God is cruel and unloving. He on the DAILY subjects Himself to the same suffering that ails the mothers of stillborn children and victims oppressed by the greed of men unfit to hold a position all because He loves His creation to give a CHOICE for ALL men and women to live as they see fit. The ground is cursed, illness and pathogens spread because man had a choice and choice something less than what Gods plan. It didnt take Him by surprise. He CHOSE not to intervene. Its not in His nature to take back what Hes established, EVER. Hes faithful ALWAYS. He cannot compromise this about Himself whatsoever, not even in a single instance. Youd better understand He feels the weight of everything that He COULD stop, but He is so consistent and constant that He will never contradict Himself. Is that unloving? Some would argue that yes, it does. I would argue that to act outside of integrity to ones self because such a person feels bad is even less loving. God is not powerless, but we see that in the life of Jesus He allowed Himself to be powerless--MORTAL and capable of death--in order to provide a solution. What we often fail to realize is that Jesus was not only subject to anguish for one single moment; He subjects Himself to our Will--without ever compromising His power or authority over all of creation (including other solar systems). It is unfathomable, but it is THIS GOD, the one and only, of whom this very phrase can be said: Psalm 34:18 ESV The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. He is NEAR to the brokenhearted, whether they know it, feel it, believe it or not. No matter what faith you have or lack, acknowledge who Christ is--the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), the provider of life abundant (John 10:10), and the man who was slain as a mere human servant who was raised solely by the power He carried as the Son of God (Mark 15-16). He loves you, and every created man, no matter what they have committed or who the world around them says that they are (Romans 8:38-39). If you do this, privately in your heart with whatever faith you feel you have, I promise that you wont regret having done so. Life will NOT get any easier in terms of circumstances, but I promise that if you PRAY with a thankful heart for the sacrifice Christ made for you that acknowledges His Lordship over your life, you WILL have an inexplicable peace over your heart (Philippians 4:6-7). The reason JESUS commanded for us not to worry (Matthew 6:25) is because HE is the only one who has the power AND authority to take our worry from us--later in that passage in Matthew He taught us how to pray. Your life will likely LARGELY remain the same, but the burden felt by your heart will be lifted (Matthew 11:28-30) and lifes weight will no longer crush you. Whatever your suffering, and whatever distance you may FEEL you are from God, He is right there beside you (Psalm 139:7-12) without imposing Himself on you. Without Christ, we are dead (without a hope) to sin--the wrong weve done according to Gods standard, but while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8), restoring us and giving us life (Romans 6:6-11). In Christ, we are not subjected to an impossible standard of rules and laws in order for God to rescue us from hopelessness, but rather grace (Acts 15:7-11, Romans 6:14). Grace is simply undeserved pardon AND favor. Oh, you crashed and TOTALED my last car? Here are the keys to my brand new car. I know you crashed it, but I love you and want you to be able to get where you need to go. theres a simple explanation for you. Through Gods grace given through the death of Jesus, who satisfied Gods wrath, we can have faith and BE SAVED (Ephesians 2:8). If you read this and have questions, please message me. Ill pray for you and with you. For the record, I am preaching this JUST AS MUCH TO MYSELF. No matter how many times weve heard it, accepted it, nor how many years our lives have been devoted to it, we can NEVER outgrow the gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the ONLY way for us to be right with God. Not even our actions or our best behavior can achieve this. Please, find rest in the fact that you are Gods worksmanship, and He has some great plans for you (Ephesians 2:10). God bless you.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:28:49 +0000

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