I think Facebook should seriously consider not pissing off its - TopicsExpress


I think Facebook should seriously consider not pissing off its users (like me) people, who post interesting things; such as photos, videos, painting and poems regardless of how many LIKES they get. LIKEs do not constitute sales, if they did I’d have an assistant typing this. I DO NOT want to BUY any of your LIKES, I prefer genuine compliments. ALSO give me back my SHARE button… I see you manipulating the stupid… AGAIN. At the best of times Facebook is awash with garbage. Picture a river. Now take away the reeds and wildlife. Fill it with brown thick-flowing water and plasticy trash. I imagine the banks soon become deserted although I do notice one or two, here and there defecating. Well this is MY perception… The music fades; still the river does have a constant stream. You may on occasion see a few flower petals, perhaps of a past wedding but even these eventually become swamped amongst the debris of replica sunglasses. A deceased pet bobs by. THE END As my head hit the gutter, I saw stars” - Paulyanna Wilde. HERE ARE MY REVIEWS… powerpuffgeezer.webs/book-reviews HERE ARE BOOKSTORE LINKS... https://smashwords/books/view/364165 amazon/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Paulyanna
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:22:26 +0000

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