I think it is TERRIBLY SAD when people go out of there way to try - TopicsExpress


I think it is TERRIBLY SAD when people go out of there way to try and publicly humiliate or hurt someones feelings. What makes this exponentially more disgusting is that these are most often the first individuals talking about how blessed they are and quoting scripture then turning around and being flat out ugly. Furthermore, these same people are often times those with children or in charge of being an example to other peoples children. In fact, some of these people are also, or have been in the past, business owners that depend on the public and their friends to help them survive. Im so sick of grown people making stabs at other people on Facebook/Social Media. We are WOMEN, we are a tight knit community, we should UPLIFT each other, not attempt to tear each other down. Heres a clue, if you dont like something that someone else puts on their very own Facebook page, thats your right, of course, but theres NO law that says you have to continue to be friends with them. In fact you would probably be doing THEM a favor if you went ahead and deleted them, at least they would know straight up that youre not fond of them and what they post vs. having to look at one rude post after another wondering if yall are referring to them. Man, or woman up. Own it. Dont hide behind your elementary behavior. Everyone is fighting their own battle...you know how that whole saying goes. Next time your kids come home and say someone hurt their feelings or was mean to them for no reason, you can assume thats karma and I dont want to hear one bit of whining from you. BTW, for anyone wondering, Im not referring to anything that was directed at me, let me promise you this, you dont have to worry about hurting my feelings, I guarantee you, not ONE ounce of my self-esteem is tied up in your acceptance!!! Not. One. Ounce.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 04:24:34 +0000

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