I think its completely improper to have an advertising day in a - TopicsExpress


I think its completely improper to have an advertising day in a group that is about the Church. Everything should be in its proper place -- if you want to promote good, wholesome products to an LDS community, do it by creating a group just for that purpose! No matter how good the products may be, it would be inappropriate to let a bunch of people advertise them at an investigators first discussion with the missionaries, or at your wards Christmas Party or other Church function, because those places have other purposes and arent the appropriate places to advertise. In the same way, I feel that an LDS discussion group isnt the appropriate place for advertising. If you _really_ want to to preach the Gospel and allow members/non-members to discuss the Gospel and build testimonies and friendships, _focus_ on it. Get rid of the ads -- Facebook groups have enough advertising and spam, and the last thing we need is an LDS discussion group that actually encourages it (no matter the product)! I joined the group for LDS discussions; Im leaving it to avoid ads!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 23:41:24 +0000

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