I think its important not to compare yourself to others at all, - TopicsExpress


I think its important not to compare yourself to others at all, and specifically not to compare your worst moments to others social media highlight moments. That said, you ARE living the life you present on those outlets. They may be the best moments, with the best filters, and not highlight the piles of laundry or the same old fight with your spouse. But those highlights are your life too. And I really, honestly believe that when I focus on all the highlights, and all I have to be grateful for, that my life turns into a series of high points and moments to celebrate. Doesnt mean the other stuff goes away, but where you focus your intention grows. Look at all the crazy, awesome moments in your life. Thats it. Thats what you have. Ive no commentary about whats allowed on social media. I think thats up to you. But make sure to take pause to be thankful for those things you show the world. And all you have today. We have a lot today, if we look for it.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:27:14 +0000

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