I think the Bible ought to be ceremoniously and reverently burned - TopicsExpress


I think the Bible ought to be ceremoniously and reverently burned every Easter. We need it no more, because the Spirit is with us. It’s a dangerous book, and to worship it is of course a far more dangerous idolatry than bowing down to images of wood and stone. Nobody can confuse a wooden image with God, but you can very easily confuse a set of ideas with God, because concepts are more rarified and abstract. .....Now the tradition, both Catholic and Protestant fundamentalist represents Jesus to us as a freak - born of a virgin, knowing he is the son of God, having the power of miracles, knowing that basically its impossible to kill him, that hes going to rise again in the end. And we are asked to take up our cross and follow him when we dont know that about ourselves at all. So what happens is this: we are delivered therefore a Gospel which is in fact an impossible religion. Its impossible to follow the way of Christ .. alright ... many a Christian has admitted it. I am a miserable sinner, I fall far short of the example of Christ .. but do you realize the more you say that the better you are because what happened was that Christianity insitutionalized guilt as a virtue. .....What would the real gospel be? The real good news is not simply that Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God but that he was a powerful son of God who came to open everybodys eyes to the fact that you are too. ......If then, we can see this, that Jesus speaks not from the situation of a historical deus-ex-machina, a kind of weird,extraordinary event. But he is a voice, which has joined with other voices that have said in every place and time: wake up, man, wake up…and realize who you are! - ALAN WATTS
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 05:12:55 +0000

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