I think this is where I fit. I dont really care to hold the - TopicsExpress


I think this is where I fit. I dont really care to hold the priesthood as that doesnt define me, but Im definitely not feeling equal in the church culture. I think this is a great article. I believe the reason women are shouting for the priesthood is because they are told they cant do any other callings than those they have and the only difference is the priesthood being ordained upon those men holding the other callings. Myself and another man brought this up in our ward council on Sunday and it went over SO well! We have an incredibly open-minded ward who, without changing doctrine until it has been changed, realizes that women are feeling this way, recognize their incredible ability, and want to do what they can! I have a few changes I would love to see happen: 1. YW need a hefty program equal to the scouts. They need this same attention and care given to them to teach them skills for survival, career, leadership, etc. They have Personal Progress, but thats equivalent to the YMs Duty to God. I am the YW president in my ward and they feel they want more. I dont blame them. 2. The priesthood needs to be re taught to ALL members of the church. There are too many men that associate themselves as the priesthood and think of themselves as above or over their wife or other women because of it. Anyone who has been in a loving, respectful marriage, in the church knows that the husband and wife BOTH receive revelation about answers if they so desire. Not once has Mikeal or I received an answer that the other didnt also receive. Just as the word God means man and woman, that is how he views us in a marriage. 3. Women need to be more involved in the decisions of the ward they belong too. They need to be in the meetings and be given the right to speak out and say how they feel it should be for the women of the church. I know they do this in ward council, and PEC (relief society president), maybe one woman needs to be involved in bishopric discussions too. 4. Women need more of a light put on them so that children and ALL members of the church recognize their worth, contribution to the church, and their ability to use the power of the priesthood too. I would love to have Women scripture heros like we all do with the men. These are my opinions. We all have them. I am so grateful women and men, who see what were talking about, are speaking out! It literally means so much to someone like me. God bless us all....change and the sense of equality Im looking for will happen with time. I feel we can agitate in a positive manner to make this so and God will decide when that time is right. Thank you Davide Reid, James Egan, Mikeal Robinson, Kent L Thomas and many other men for helping this cause along.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:40:36 +0000

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