I think this would be a pretty accurate description of what a - TopicsExpress


I think this would be a pretty accurate description of what a conservative independent would say on the issue of immigration. if you are here illegally you can get arrested and deported .... nothing wrong with that. that is the law it is also the law that if anyone is born here they have citizenship status... this does not only go for 19th century slaves who were brought here and there descendants because the Constitution goes for everyone it doesnt pick any particular skin color and/or race .... laws apply to everyone or no one period! We do need to secure the border ...all borders especially the ones where terrorist attackers are coming from. The extremes of both sides are wrong. Senator of Arizona wrote a harsh law (sen. Pearce) and the immigrants left (documented or not) now he wants them all back ...he changed his mind... lou dobbs changed his mind, lotsa folks are waking up.... we have tons of jobs and tons of lazy Americans who DAMN SURE ARE NOT GONNA DO IT! (Much rather lie boohoo im depressed, im hurt, im sick, or I cant work and get gov. $$) If u think unemployment is a crisis ur crazy! We have more jobs then workers in this country. People are living in a fantasy world big time! People need to get documented.... get theirs butts in the back of the line, follow our guidelines ...if not ....you should not have the sacred tribute of American citizen bestowed on you. Yes we are a nation of laws but I side with the AJA (american Jewish alliance) the Catholic Church, and the largest American protestant group in America. .. the Southern Baptist Convention....that is American s are caring benevolent people and taking them in follows a law far more important than mans laws which are laws written in our hearts. THATS being a conservative and not siding with silly repubs or dinky democrats!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:29:20 +0000

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