I thought it might be time to repost this since the last four - TopicsExpress


I thought it might be time to repost this since the last four interviews to potential adopters has been, I dont want a black kitten. A different point of view During kitten season, my days are spent doing what I love and feel I have been put on this planet to do…care for stray and abandoned cats and kittens. Once they are healthy and have gone through the required medical protocol, it is time to find homes for them. Fortunately, the Montecito Pet Shop shares in the task of finding homes for many of the kittens so that I have more time to be on the streets rescuing others in need and dedicate my time to caring for them all. I do, however, handle many phone calls and emails in order to pre-screen potential adopters. It is imperative that future adopters realize the lifetime commitment they are making to a kitty. They must share RESQCATS philosophy about cats being indoors-only and promise to never declaw them. If a landlord is involved, we require written permission for a tenant to be eligible to adopt. I recognize that most people are interested in adopting kittens. They are irresistible bundles of furry fun. When RESQCATS holds an adoption event, there is always an endless stream of people looking for a kitten. I find the same thing happens when anyone visits RESQCATS in search of a new friend. 99% of the time it is about adopting a kitten. I love to be part of making someone happy when they leave with a new kitten. But so often, I feel sadness, too. Kittens get adopted, but their moms are left behind because…well, I am not sure why. Is it their size? The moms are most often less than a year old themselves. People do not realize that in just a few months, their two and one half pound kitten will be the same size as the mother cat. Most often, mother cats are sadly unnoticed by most adopters. I have a point to make! Mother cats need homes, too. Young mommy cats have been deprived of kitten-hood in order to raise their babies. I witness them burst into playful, fun-loving kittens in seven pound bodies attempting to make up for all the time they lost by raising a family. They frequently wait weeks or even months for someone to come along willing to give them the home they deserve. I recognize the fact that I look at rescue from a different point of view than most. To me, it is about who needs a home. It is not about adopting the tiniest kitten with the misconception that one can “mold” its personality. In reality, the demeanor of kittens begins even in the womb. Time and time again I open my email or listen to a phone message from someone stating the exact kitten they are looking for with every detail listed explicitly. People request photos of the kittens so that they can see if they like the way a kitten looks. They make no mention whatsoever about personality. Looks is what they are after. I am reminded of a poster I once saw that said “good art doesn’t match the sofa!” The color of fur seems to be foremost in their minds. That is followed by what the fur pattern is: It has to be tabby, tuxedo, marble, white, and most definitely not black! I hear you! I recall several years ago when I handled adoptions exclusively at RESQCATS. A woman wanted to adopt two siblings. It made no difference to her what one of them looked like but the second one had to be just like one that I happened to have. But as she articulated, “with a fluffier tail, and an orange nose and white paws. Oh, and it needs to be very social as I have two children.” I was astounded. But I repeated back her “order” and then finished by saying, “And you do understand that this is rescue?!” I was never able to fulfill her fantasy, obviously! Human nature leads us blindly down that path of what is appealing to our eyes. But, there is so much more to it than that. And let me just put this out there! I rescue! I go into the streets, strangers’ homes and where ever else I need to venture to save cats and kittens. They look the way they do when I get there. The eyes are the most prejudice organ in the human body. I cannot manufacture their appearance in order to fulfill someone’s fancy, match their carpet or fill the paws of one they may have just lost. Adoption is not like ordering a new car! Every single one is different and unique and that is why each kitty is so very extraordinary! It is true that RESQCATS has several resident cats that were not adoptable or never got adopted. It has never mattered to me what color they are, if they are six months old or 16 years. It is my pleasure to give these kitties a home. I occasionally tease that in my next life I will be like other people and have the opportunity to choose whatever kitty I want. But you know what! I am certain that I would choose the ones that need homes the most! I don’t expect everyone to share my perspective. Perhaps, however, I have given many something to consider. I strongly feel that it is important, at least to me, to know that I have offered a different way of viewing adoption. Education is part of my commitment to the cats. So, when you consider adoption, go into it with an open heart and mind and without pre-conceived ideas on size, appearance, age and color. Your compassion will open doors to a whole new way of rescuing and adopting. You will make a difference for a rescued kitty and believe me, you will see yourself and the plight of homeless animals in a whole new light. And I will applaud you out loud!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:07:52 +0000

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