I too will not remain silent. Yes this is what we are facing in - TopicsExpress


I too will not remain silent. Yes this is what we are facing in the USA. We standing for our rights. Black life matters!!!! Stop killing our children!!!!! This may be an older interview 2months ago from oct but the problem exist before and still after. we are not the minority we are the majority we must unite and become our own nation against the rule of this nation. Everyone keep wanting to be accepted into this system and participate in keeping it alive by keep thinking we can do it together but not until we rid the hatred and ugliness of those in control. We are not the savage beast for look at the history of where this ignorance and violence really begins. The right to assemble was originally for the KKK and now that we stand for our lives all the sudden is a problem. Just as retaliation against the violence then you call us the violent. Do not believe the evil lies created against our own people for it all comes from these devils that have the biggest gang of all called the police and government. Dont think they dont have there own crime against each other it is only reported of black on black so we can fear each other cause if we unite we will realize our power as the majority. yet war is the most violent of all just as the corporate corruption is the biggest thieves and criminals of all. Not saying killing of each other is not real and not saying it dont need to stop but it is our youth taking frustration of inequality and lack of emotional control cause there are no examples of leadership and equality in the system raping robbing and abusing our rights, so taking in their hands. Instead we must unite and go against what is not for all people to live in peace and not in poverty. There is no reason why one should work 40 hours a week and still live in poverty. There is no reason other than lies that one should fear our black and brown people for I only see the love we have and that we must keep the focus so it can overcome the negative. stop giving energy and life to the lies.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:29:10 +0000

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