I try really hard to post positive news and stories on Facebook, - TopicsExpress


I try really hard to post positive news and stories on Facebook, since I know we live in a negative media heavy world. However I wanted to take the time and post about something delicate and extremely personal to me and my husband. As some of you know Robbi and I have been going through the adoption process. We were and are still extremely excited to meet and get to know the people that will become our children. However the process has been difficult, trying, and downright exhausting. Weve been close to three potential babies, coming down to another couple and us, basically getting to the final callback stage. Each time Robbi and I brace ourselves for the possibility that our lives will change. We already have baby furniture ready, Ive already bought toys and cute onesies on my various trips, and we have so many wonderful friends ready to lend their advice. However each rejection becomes harder and harder personally for me to deal with. It also doesnt help that our adoption organization has undergone many internal changes within the last year and were now on our third social worker. What was supposed to be an exciting time has now turned me somewhat cynical as I choose to protect my heart. If I could trade bodies with a woman and undergo the 9 month pregnancy process, at this point, I would trade it in an instant. That 9 month process seems so much more easier than the year and half of waiting and not knowing when Robbi and I will finally become parents. The subject of the hardships for gay parents to have kids is one that isnt really talked about a lot on social media or even amongst our own social circle. Im not really sure why Im writing this except that I feel the need to. This might just be a vent post but I do know in my heart that the right kids will find their ways into our home. Im just sharing our struggle to help those out there that might be feeling the same frustrations.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:15:15 +0000

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