I understand that most people have favorites with other peoples - TopicsExpress


I understand that most people have favorites with other peoples kids. And i understand that MY family is guilty of favoring boys over girls. But they DO NOT make it a point of rubbing it into my daughters face on a DAILY basis. And at least my daughter knows my family loves her. Its sad that other people are only nice to my son when they need his help or it makes them look good. No, you didnt owe my son any money. BUT you did explain to him and everyone else that the reason you bought my daughter more presents than any child should get and only gave him a couple of little token gifts was because you were giving him money for his trip. I knew that there would be excuses. I know better than anyone how tight money is. Yes, you did finally scratch it up. After I raised Cain at my husband all day about it. Poor man. Im tired of trying to make it up to one child because he is treated like the dog crap on the bottom of someones shoe while his sister is treated like she might melt if it rains. She has flaws and I love her, flaws and all. My son has flaws, I love him too. They both make me ill at times. I still love them. I dont expect anyone else to love them in 100% equally because SOMETIMES I cant do that either. But I at least TRY to. So if you cant at least treat my son like he matters, then you cant be a part of my daughters life either. If you dont like this post, delete me. You wont hurt my feelings. I know everyones reason behind the preferential treatment, and I know the EXCUSE they use. I will admit that the excuse used to have some merit, but not anymore. And the real reason, yeah it just shows what kind of people yall really are. All about image aint it. Im a poor country girl. Always have been. Never claimed to be anything else. Ive done wrong in my life. If you claim you havent, you are a liar. Whatever, blame yourselves, Im tired of drying tears because people like to rub it in my sons face how they feel about him. He is just a child and It takes a really crappy person to rub it in his face that he doesnt matter because he isnt blood. You know what? My husband knew that, and he signed that birth certificate anyway. I didnt ask him to. He did it on his own free will. By doing that, he accepted him as his. Im thru with this. Like I said, If you cant love one, you arent going to rub in their face. Oh, and my daughter? She doesnt care. SHE wants to move back to Petal, MS.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:32:31 +0000

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