I;ve been accused of being on the side of benefit claimants.. Well - TopicsExpress


I;ve been accused of being on the side of benefit claimants.. Well guess what, too right I am, im on the side of anyone who lives in poverty. I;ve also been accused to wanting to support people who just dont want to work. Now thats an accusation I deny. What I want is a proper debate around work and social security. One which doesnt use anecdotal evidence as if it was fact. One where instead of wanting to whip people on benefits we look at real ways to help people off benefits, ways that would give them a decent standard of living. On Jobs I want to see people working rather than claim benefits but the way to do that isnt by cutting benefits to try and force them into work. They way to do that is first to give real help to get people into work, i;ve no objections to government schemes but it must be real jobs and real pay, not workfare which means giving corporations free forced Labour. I cant see how that helps, whats it teaching people, if you dont get a proper wage and proper conditions then your not really experiencing work at all. So real work, real pay, real prospects. This is how you end poverty not by cutting benefits to make work pay, all that is is a race to the bottom. You do it by making sure work really does pay, by helping people into work, by creating jobs if necessary, thee is a lot needed done in the country and people could be working and learning skills. The same goes for disability. Help, real help not sanctions, it means getting the infrastructure sorted so more work is available as more places become accessible, it means chaing attitudes to end prejudice, it means giving real help to disabled people to find work, it means matiching the job to the person, not putting disabled people into work which is unsutable. So much could be done but all we get is stick and no help]
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 06:50:29 +0000

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