I ve been trying for a few years to explain to my progressive - TopicsExpress


I ve been trying for a few years to explain to my progressive friends, the real danger of progressivism. On the radio this morning, a news story sums it up. I dont even know the name of the town but, here is the gist. Boys baseball was very popular in this town, so much so, that they had overflowing stands at every game. The fans of the team, took it upon themselves, using their own money and labor to install new seating and a more professional scoreboard. It cost the school board budget ...zero. it happens that, the girls softball field, was right next to the boys field, they had the old inferior seating and scoreboard, as rightly or wrongly, it just wasnt as popular, so no booster club, no free labor. Someone complained and the school board, ruled that the new improved baseball stadium, would have to be taken down and put back to the equal condition of the girls field, as it wasnt fair that the boys had a nicer stadium than the girls. Herein lies the problem with progressivism. Rather than make an effort to lift a down side up, it has a tendency to bring an up side down to reach equality. In sports stadiums, in housing in education. The socialist model doesnt account for equality by bettering the less fortunate, it just lowers the bar down to make life an equal experience for everyone. This doesnt work, all it teaches our society, is to do no more than is demanded of you by the government, because you wont receive the benefits of your labor anyway. The ACA is a great example, the idea of getting health insurance to the 30 million people who didnt have it, is a noble goal. But the administration it dancing for joy that they are close to their projected number of 6-7 million. What they dont say us that the large percentage of those people, had insurance before, it was just cancelled and so they enrolled to ObamaCare. They cant or wont tell you how many of those people were the target market, the ones who had no insurance. The estimates is less than 1 million. So we tore our healthcare system to shreds to take away the insurance that people liked and to move the bar to where we could include everyone equally. Even that didnt work. Because you have the Bronze, Silver or Gold plans, depending on what you can afford. Now there is talk of a new less expensive plan below bronze, which will cost very little, but the deductible will be sky high. All we had to do was service 30 million people and get them healthcare. Sone estimates say that rather tgsn get ibdurance to 30 million, at the end of this, it will cidt more and up to 50 million eont be insured. Before long, we will all have to tear down our stadium of healthcare, so that all people will receive the same high cost, high deductible, crap healthcare, soon that house of yours may be too big for the size of your family, so you need to make two families live in that space. You make way more money than the guy who washes dishes, of course you went to college and got a degree, but it needs to be fair for all. In come equality, regardless if what you have done, the education you fought so hard to get, the years spent building a business, its not FAIR, That you have more. So we must take some of yours and give it to that guy over there, who quit school and doesnt really have any ambitions to be more. We have already seen peoples hours cut, so that they can pursue their dreams with the extra time, if thats not the biggest load of shit Ive ever heard. We are on the edge people. What we do as Americans in the next 4 years will determine the outcome. We already know where socialism leads. We have examples of failed Marxism all over the world. Open your eyes. America was meant to be a place where anyone from anywhere could lift themselves up, be better, have more security than they had in their original homeland. Ask any of the millions who came here and worked their butts off to become something, if its a good idea to do income redistribution, ask that Nigeria cabby I got to know in NYC, over the years, he went from nothing to bringing his entire family over to America, buying a neighborhood store, and watching his grandchildren have, what he couldnt in Nigeria. We are screwing this up bad. Its not going to end well. Please wake up. Pappy
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 11:48:03 +0000

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