I walked the forest stepping along the little stony stream. The - TopicsExpress


I walked the forest stepping along the little stony stream. The woods felt enchanted, as if I were in a dream. Thats when I heard the pipes playing their tune coming from up ahead. I felt the summoning and so followed it instead. Id planned to go to a forest pool, there was time to meditate, but the haunting call of those pipes bid me not to wait. So I wove my way through the underbrush having left the trail behind. I wondered what lay ahead, what would I find? Just then the trees seemed to give way as I carefully stepped into a woodland glade. There he sat with his fluted pipes in hand, his long beard resting on his chest. His snow white hair cascading down, but his eyes were not at rest. There was a serious look upon the Wizards face, intensity in his eyes. I must say he took me quite by surprise. Come, sit down Child, I have someone I would like for you to meet. Here, he patted the fallen tree he rested upon, beside me, have a seat. So I nodded and wished him a good morning, told him my curiosity was stirred. Then he hushed me and whispered: Shhhhh...Not another word. Once again he began to play softly upon the pipes hed brought with him today. It was such a hunting melody, a summoning of sorts. But I was already there, with whom else would he want to hold court? I felt the spirit within me stir, as the ground beneath us slightly shook. In the distance I could hear the melody of a running brook. Then a mist began to appear, it swirled up from the roots of the trees. Gathering itself it formed a curtain, obscuring the view of everything. Hovering there for a short time it began to dissipate. An image began to form of a beautiful dark-haired woman dressed in robes of creamy white. The Wizard dropped his hands, his pipes silent in the gentle breeze. The spirit woman slowly brushed her eyes, as if shed been asleep. Then regally she stepped forward, and once again the woodland we could see. She came to stand before us, the Wizard and me, stretching out her hand, whispering words of magic that she held at her command. In her palm a sphere of energy instantly appeared. She extended her hand to me, and her lovely voice again spoke spoke melodic words. Take this gift with you today, Mothers magic is being given to you and the others, use it when you pray. Insert it into the weaving that you and all your friends will do. Think intently upon the greater good, of generations to come. Call forth the changes that are needed...and the wrongs that must be undone. I extended my hand and received the sphere, it held a tiny universe within. Trails of vibrant energy at its periphery did spin. I watched as the spiral of multicolored lights arose from her fingertips. Then passed itself through the air and upon my palm came to rest. There was an instant tingling sensation that arose up my arm, it spread through me permeating. I knew it would cause no harm yet my heart began quickly beating. Its essence was filled with love, the deep and abiding kind. And the intensity of the power I felt was hard to contain in my mind. What a blessing weve been given to add to our work today, it was all I could think of, and thank you was all I could say. Then I watched her slowly descend back into the earth from which she had come. You are welcome my Sister, tell your siblings they, too, are kin to the Mother and the Ancient Ones. Let each of them hold the sphere as they place their intentions true. It will empower them this day, and the weaving that all of you do. I bid you all well and blessings, she said, as I watched her slowly tucking her head. She let her voice trail behind, thank them too for their hearts true and kind. Then she was gone, and the forest burst out in song as the leaves of the trees danced along. The winged-ones were flitting amid the canopy, singing their hearts out, they seemed so pleased...only then did the Wizard smile at me. You all know Im as curious as a cat, and my mind was filled with wonder. Who was this spirit that you summoned? I asked. He simply replied: Another child of the Earth Mother...remember we are all related to one and other. She is your Sister and mine too. Come, its time to meet with the others and share the news. And its time they feel the touch of the Mother in their own energy fields...time they know for themselves that she is very, very real. By now the forest creatures, the Dragons and the Elves will have gathered in waiting, and grown impatient in anticipation for us to show ourselves. So I followed him along a narrow deer trail, he assured me it would be faster that way. The forest closed in around us as we stepped away from the glade. In and around the trees we managed to make quite good speed. Then another opening appeared within the Aspen grove...and forest friends in great number on the ground and upon the branches above. We joined the others then, I still held gently the sphere within my hand. One by one they came to see this glowing ball of mystery...and what it could command. Its essence touched them as they passed by, and each of them released a sigh, the Elves, the Dragons and the creatures too, it was as if in that moment they held the knowing too. Then, again, they took their places as we await all of you. Come my friends, touch the Mothers magic this day. Receive the message its essence holds in sway. Feel the power and the might, that which sustains all that is right. See you when you get here!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 16:02:53 +0000

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