I want all of you to know without a doubt that the times they are - TopicsExpress


I want all of you to know without a doubt that the times they are a-changing. There is no going back now. All systems are Go. The work of St. Germain has come to fruition - a new kind of prosperity and peace will blossom on the planet in the coming days and months. People helping people, not just governments struggling to cope without the funds to provide the most basic services for their citizens. Power is being returned to the people, from economic to political power, for they are one and the same. The noisy propaganda machine will become less a driver of social opinion, as the people awaken to reach into their own hearts to find their own truth. Jesus/Sananda Chapter 23 Whoneedslight.org I have been struggling for months as to how I would describe to my loved ones what is about to take place and what my role would be in creating our new world. A full disclosure you might say, which will cause great upheaval, hurt feelings and well Im sure you get the picture. I never want to hurt those I love, but I will stand in my truth and use Sanandas words to help me. I have been a loner my whole life, like a lot of you, and always knew that I was meant for something greater and bigger than what was being presented to me in this life. Well it is here! NOW! Finally my chance to be great, to do something huge...what Ive waited for all my lifetimes! So why do I struggle with disclosing my heart and soul to loved ones? You would think they would be overjoyed for me! Because of Fear. Thats right I said it..the F word. Kathryn and Gabriella Whoneedslight.org Writes: Rose-Colored Glasses: The New Age Trap You have accepted the idea that you are responsible for the other persons reaction. The thinking goes like this: If I tell the truth and it upsets the other person, then I have created a conflict, and I am to blame for the other persons feelings (therefore I should not speak up). You are upset at the emotional reaction, but it isnt your emotion. You fear the dark energy, but it is not your dark energy. You have just turned the tables on yourself. Spiritual people have been given a hard time by their families, their culture, their friends, and often, their partner or spouse. You are used to being insulted, belittled and diminished by the people who look down their noses at you. You have learned to forgive and forget, and to swallow your rage at being insulted. Often, you have decided to keep those people close to you even though they disrespect you for the most important thing in your life - your Faith. --------------------- So yes, how can a Divine being of Light whose purpose is to love all of creation cause such pain to those we love?? Because we have to. We must stand in our truth. We are setting the bar for those who will follow and we will be there to Love them through it. Thats right..LOVE them through it all. Welcome them into the New Golden Age to join us in Unity and Create Heaven on Earth. When the are ready, they will come seeking the truth, seeking out the One who hurt them, the One who knows ...I AM Ready.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:20:58 +0000

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