I want going to share a very special announcement with you, - TopicsExpress


I want going to share a very special announcement with you, because you have been are a special part of my life and history, so stay tuned within the next week or so. Before I make these three special announcements, I would like to solicit your prayers, as I am fasting and praying for direction and further confirmation. In the meantime I will be celebrating my daughter’s selection of attending MTSU, which will lead to her next phase of life. Go Blue Raiders. (Getting used to saying it) I’m sure it will be an emotional two weeks or month or so, to be honest, it is a part of life, that slow releasing your children to go and grow into what we hope continues to make us proud parents. As this marks the third and last of three, I am also proud and blessed, honored of all three of the prettiest, sweetest, blessed young ladies. Charmaine, Porscha and now Desiree. My daughter saw that the school gave me a bumper sticker to put on my car that read, “I am a proud parent of a Middle Tennessee State University” she said Dad you don’t put stickers on your cars, I said your right but a change is gonna come and I am sooo proud and will have this one on mine. God has granted me the privilege of raising three special ladies, but with that privilege comes great responsibility and a lot of hard work. Perhaps more than any other area of life, with my own major illness, and parenting brought with it the capacity both for boundless joy and tremendous heartache. I asked myself, what can we do as parents to succeed at the task God has given us? Pray, Pray, Pray! Parenting and the relationship with my daughters has not been an easy journey for me. I have had to face my own inadequacy and rely on God’s plan for my life to succeed and live for them. Part of that process was God teaching me how to pray for my children. There is no exact science for this, but the Lord put it on my heart, to always try to better and never give up on myself and them. “Lord, I ask for purity in Desiree, Porscha and Charmaines life and that of all the relationships they make. I ask for protection over their innocence and purity; protect them from others and wrong choices, call them to a higher standard. I ask for wisdom and discernment in teaching and preparing Desiree for a life of purity and modesty. I also ask that you grant her hearts desire and wisdom. “Lord I thank You for Charmaine, Porscha and Desiree, You have helped me with bounty and I praise You for entrusting me with them. They are fearfully and wonderfully made. You chose them and I thank You for the gift each one has been to me. Lord bless her and I ask that You fill her with “Whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, having virtue, or anything praiseworthy, let her think on these things.” I hope this message of love from my heart as a father will encourage you in your parenting journey. As I conclude I want to share that I wrote and pray out of desperation because I have tried everything the world has to offer, and know the world will not and does not have control over our children but power from You our Lord and Savior. Truly God continues to work on me, and it started with turning my eyes upon the Lord and looking to Him for answers. As I look back I see a faithful God working in all our lives. That true change begins when you look into Gods eyes and in effect instill that change into your child, but it must start with yourself. Thank you, stays encouraged and keep God as your starting point and you will start in the right direction. James Cruse
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:21:35 +0000

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