I want to dedicate this to all of my brothers and male friends. I - TopicsExpress


I want to dedicate this to all of my brothers and male friends. I am so sick and tired of this man ego. You guys seem to do nothing but spend time telling us how we need to look to be the kind of girls you want. What have you guys done to be the kind of guys we need. Do you guys think we want to go for anything less? Sorry. You guys should work on yourselves and stop making noise. When I saw this on my friend’s (John Mbafor) wall I decided to copy and paste on my wall so all my male friends can see. Stop looking for the right woman work hard on being the right man. THE PROVERBS 31 HUSBAND If you ask any man the kind of woman they want for a wife, they will give you an endless list. Every man wants a woman he can be proud of. A woman that will make his friends envy him. In fact we all hope for the “PROVERB 31 WIFE” “A WIFE OF NOBLE CHARACTER”. Everyone talks about her and hopes they get a wife like her. I can’t lie; my dream wife is the “PROVERB 31 WIFE”. But I recently realized there is a “PROVERB 31 HUSBAND” and to get THE PROVERBS 31 WIFE, you need to be THE PROVERBS 31 HUSBAND. Let us look at the “PROVERB 31 HUSBAND” Verse 10 of proverbs 31 asks a very pertinent question. ”a wife of noble character, who can find her?” This shows that not every kind of man finds that woman. There are particular men who can find such a woman. She is not the kind of woman you meet by chance. You search for her. And to be able to find such a wife you must be a man who can search and find. To search is one thing and to be able to identify her is another thing. You take time to know her. He sees beyond the pretty face, the great smile and the good legs. The proverb 31 man sees far beyond the obvious. Verse 11 says her husband has confidence in her. The proverb 31 man sees a woman not just as a “helper but a “helping partner”. You have confidence in her ideas and so give her the go ahead. You let her take decisions and you involve her in every decision you make because of the confidence you have in her. The B part of this verse say s”he lacks nothing of value”. To be able to lack nothing of value you need to work hard and not idle around. And if you lack nothing of value then you for sure will provide her with all that she needs. So a proverb 31 man must be a man who works hard and provides his wife with all she needs. In verse 16 it says “she considers a field and buys it and out of her endings she plants a vineyard”. The proverb 31 man is not one of those men who think women are just good to stay at home. The proverb 31 man allows his wife to work and own property. He does not feel challenged. Verse 23 says”he is respected amongst the elders at the city gate”. There is an African proverb which says if a man washes s his hands clean, he will wine and dine with kings and queens. To sit among notables means you are either a notable or you are working towards it. The proverb 31 man is a notable. Verse 28b says “…he praises her…” many men find it so difficult to praise their wives or make them feel special. A proverb 31 husband knows his wife’s worth and praises her to her hearing and to the hearing of others. Verse 31 says “…give her the praises she is worth and let her works be praised at the city gate…” remember in verse 23 her husband sits at the city gate. At the city gate, the proverb 31 husband praises her wife to his friends. And if he seats at the city gate and messes up, he brings shame to his wife. So the proverb 31 husband knows he has his reputation and that of his wife to keep. In a nutshell, I will say the proverb 31 wife has her husband’s greatest support. He greatly contributes to her being who she is. So men before you go around looking for a proverb 31 wife ask yourself whether you meet the criteria to have such a wife. While praying that God should give you a proverbs 31 wife, take a dry fast that you may be a proverb 31 husband. John mbafor
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 15:17:17 +0000

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