I want to offer here some excerpts from the Book Heal Yourself by - TopicsExpress


I want to offer here some excerpts from the Book Heal Yourself by Clearing the Chakras. These excerpts are from chapter 18, pages 323 - 342. I AM currently giving this decree along with the vigil that the masters have suggested. This is also a Fourth Ray decree. Archangel Gabriel, come into my Base Chakra and clear it from the dualistic concept of purity as the opposite of impurity. Help me overcome the illusion that in order to attain purity, I have to overcome, destroy, run away from or cover over my impurities. Archangel Gabriel, come into my Base Chakra and clear it from the conditions that I have come to accept as being real and having power over me. I now make the decision to accelerate beyond the limitations and tune in to the vibration of purity. I am absorbing the vibrations of purity and I know I can accelerate beyond any condition. Archangel Gabriel, come into my Base Chakra and clear it from the curse of perfectionism, the lie that perfection means that I live up to certain conditions. Any condition can exist only in the mind of duality. Any condition in the mind of duality has an opposite polarity, or it would not exist. Thus, any condition has no reality in the Christ mind. Elohim Astrea, come into my Base Chakra and help me switch out of the self-centered perspective. Help me reach the ultimate clarity of recognizing that the way to purify energy is not by destroying the energy. It is to accelerate it so that it shakes off the imperfect vibration and is again raised to the level of love, the level of purity. Elohim Astrea, come into my Base Chakra and help me decide to shift away from confirming the reality of the separate self. This is not about me and how bad and burdened I feel. This is about why I actually came to this earth, namely to serve the ascended masters, serve God, serve other people, serve to bring forth the Golden Age of Saint Germain. Elohim Astrea, come into my Base Chakra and help me recognize that it is not possible to define perfection by setting up any condition whatsoever. Perfection means unconditionality. Unconditionality does not mean the loss of individuality. I do not become nothing by becoming unconditional. I become free of being tied to any thing, any sense of identity in the dualistic realm. Serapis Bey, come into my Base Chakra and help me go though a shift of self-image and accept that I AM a spiritual being. I AM more than these material conditions, and therefore I have the potential to raise my vibration. I can raise the vibration of any condition that I have outpictured in my four lower bodies.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 01:38:05 +0000

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