I want to publicly thank each and every Radish who helped make the - TopicsExpress


I want to publicly thank each and every Radish who helped make the Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale happen, but Im afraid Id leave off a name, and then Id be a horrible jerk to someone or someones who took their time to help spread the word about my books! By the same token, I got to be part of a huge sale with some NYT and USA Today best-selling authors, and the fact they regard me as a contemporary is something I am grateful for every single day. I have not sold my way to inclusion in their number yet, but God knows I must have done something right in another life to have found my way into their ranks--when it comes to shop talk and colleague-y-ness, they are beyond compare. Finally, theres an elite league of book bloggers who are hosting giveaways of the Troll Or Derby audiobook right now and in the weeks approaching Christmas. To them I lift a glass of egg nog and wish them and their readers the happiest of holidays. All things considered, its not JUST good writing that makes an authors pursuits profitable. Its good writing and EXCELLENT READERS, the latter of which I know for sure I have in spades. I am just so grateful to all my readers, so many of whom have become fans--and for the fans who have become friends. I didnt ever think that would happen. I dont know what I thought being an author would be like, but making friends with readers was never on my list of expectations. You all just blow me away with your kindness and generosity, and I thank you for lifting up my work, so I can continue to do the work I love: telling crazy stories. Yll are a much crazier, happier story than I ever imagined. :) Thank you, Raddest of the Rad! ***If you feel you would make a good Radish, apply here: facebook/groups/redtash
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:10:50 +0000

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