I want to take a few moments to thank everyone for joining! As we - TopicsExpress


I want to take a few moments to thank everyone for joining! As we grow in numbers so grows the concern for the pets posted. We try to weed out habitual rehomers (someone who gets a pet, finds another, gets rid of the previous pet and continues that cycle) pet flippers (they get pets free or at a low price and then turn around and sell them within a very short period of time for more money than they paid without putting any money into the pet like vaccinations or spay/neuter), and certainly hope we dont have any puppy mills advertising. We try to keep an eye on all the posts, but some slip by. Case in point is the post of the Chihuahuas in the attached picture. The owner initially posted on this site trying to sell them for $200, but when they wouldnt sell and got sick, she just gave them to Matt Myatt yesterday saying she couldnt keep them because of her lease. They were pooping blood and obviously malnourished. He contacted her this morning to let her know he was turning the dogs over to a rescue because of their condition and she immediately posted them on the Fort Riley Selling and Advertising site using puppy photos taken 6-7 months ago and asking for $100. She didnt even have possession of the dogs, they were in Matts possession. She received over 30 responses/interest in the puppies. Thanks to Matt and Mary Ellen Keck, these dogs are at a Vet for treatment and the rescue will take care of them until placed in homes (after they are medically cleared). So, ask questions, find out about the pet and the owners. Those responsible owners who are rehoming or selling puppies are emotionally attached/involved and care just as much about the home their pets are going to as you should care about where they came from.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:53:42 +0000

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