I want to take a moment to thank god for my daughter this has been - TopicsExpress


I want to take a moment to thank god for my daughter this has been a very tough experience for me. For years I had been told I would not be able to have children and that if I concieved it would end in miscarriage or still birth so you can imagine how I felt after suffering a miscarriage in sept 2013. Shortly after in November of 2013 I found out I was pregnant again but instead if joy I felt only sadness I was terrified of losing another innocent life. So on January 3rd of 2014 I was over joyed when I got to see my babys ultrasound and saw the baby move they told me making it as far as I had if I could make it to 12 weeks there was a chance I could carry to term.I was sent to a specialist after my 16th week due to my health condition (neurofibromatosis 1 also known as NF1) to monitor my health and the babys. We found out when I was 18 weeks we were having a precious little girl and had test run standard procedure to make sure she would have no disabilities. I remember getting a call at 19 weeks that she was positive for SpinaBifida my world shattered I knew I would love her no matter what but my heart ached for my daughter. Preparing myself for the worst at her next ultrasound where we were to look at her spine we were shocked to see everything was completely normal I was relieved beyound a doubt. The dr thrn told me my placenta was not working properly which could have caused the test results to have been altered so we agreed to keep a close watch on things. At my 25 week ultrasound I was excited to see her growth and hoping to sneek a peek at her face but instead was told her growth had dropped off and was told to come back weekly that things could improve ( coming from a dr with a worried expression I didnt quite believe him) so to just stay calm. At my 28 week ultrasound I wad told she had grown by the nurse I thought everything had gotten better so started to relax until the dr with a drained expression came in without speaking to me did another ultrasound let outa sigh and told me I needed to rush to Charlotte Presbyterian. I immediately started crying and asjed if my daughter was ok he told me she stopped growing completely and I needed to be monitored. At Presbyterian I was monitored and given shots to strengthen her lungs while being monitored it was discovered her heartrate was dropping every once in awhile and that was worrisome so after 5 days and finding out my fluid was low and my placenta was inverted (in front not back) we were told 12th of may that we needed to have her via c-section before things worsened. As scared as I was to have her 10 weeks early I knew it was best for her I remember every second of my c-section and the moment they pulled her out I was panicking listening hoping to hear her breathe or cry praying her lungs were developed enough. She was born at 1:47 pm and took her first breath and cried at 1:48 I fidnt get to see her for 2 hours bc I was in recovery. That trip to the NICU was the scariest moment since I had her I didnt know what to expect so seeing her with tubes and wires broke my heart she wasnt on oxygen but two days, under the light for 4, and was in a crib in room air after 5 1/2 weeks. After 7 weeks of my daughter fighting to get stronger and making her mama a stronger person in the process I know what its like to look fear in the face, cry bc Im terrified for my daughter, pray everyday that I could take her place or just take her home. I brought my daughter home on 6-29-14 3 weeks before her due date and have been the happiest ive ever been spending ever moment with her so I thank god everyday for blessing me with her and guiding me through all these hardships but I wouldnt trade a minute of it bc if I did I wouldnt have the love of my life Allyson Kalli-Rose Neeley !
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:35:41 +0000

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