I want to thank everyone for joining and telling their friends - TopicsExpress


I want to thank everyone for joining and telling their friends about the free distant healing session. The energy can continue to work in your system for days afterwards. Like the page to get notices of future free sessions Some people can continue to see changes for some time after the session. Your whole life can transform when you release a major blockage. I appreciate people writing their experiences on the wall. It can help others understand some of the things they may also be experiencing. It can also help skeptical people to realize a modality like this can work and may convince them to try it. I read all the posts and may make some comments but cant reply to all of them. Remember that today you can feel very energized, peaceful and have less pain and some people could feel tired, achy and emotional. It is all good. If you dont feel good because of the energy work it is due to the purification process and your system is releasing impurities that can cause many problems. Detoxification can happen on all levels, mental, physical and emotional. Once you have completed a cleansing cycle you have raised the energetic vibration of your energy system. Usually the cleansing is over in 24 hours but for some people it can go on awhile longer. If you feel very cold during or right after the session then it can be due to the fact that you are releasing old stagnant energy out of your system. You can feel temporarily very cold even on the hottest summer days. Also if you feel very tired afterwards it can be because your mind/body is using a lot of energy for healing and cleansing. All of this is very good if it is due to the energy healing. Please see your medical doctor if you have any symptoms that concern you because some things will not have anything to with the energy healing. Generally most people will sleep well after the session but some people can get energized and not sleep well right after the session. Also when people are releasing a lot they may temporarily not sleep well and their dreams can be very unusual. When things settle down most people report they sleep better and many people say it greatly helps their insomnia. Lack of sleep is very stressful for the mind/body. It is good to take it easy the day after the session and if you exercise do it moderately. Use the energy for internal healing instead of a lot of activity. Also it is good to drink some extra water to help cleansing. It is preferable to drink warm, hot or room temperature water so your body doesnt have to use energy to heat up your body from drinking cold water. Im very grateful to be able to do this. Im not the source of the energy, just a conduit and give all credit to the Divine, Universe, Spirit or whatever term one wants to use. There are free healings about once a month and you will be notified of other free sessions through this page. Some people mentioned previously they didnt see the posts about the free sessions. To make sure you receive future free session notices you can sign up for the monthly email newsletter and receive notices by email of free sessions. Facebook often distributes less than 10% of the posts so the majority of people dont see the posts. You can join the email list by clicking the tab at the top of the page that says Join My List. If after the session you would like to do more intensive healing work then you can sign up through the website. You get a full month of energy healing for only $99. This program is a powerful way to speed up the healing process and heal chronic issues and patterns. The monthly program includes daily unscheduled adjustments during the month. You also get an Energetic Feng Shui of your home. This unique method helps to clear, balance and harmonize the energy in your home and can greatly enhance healing. Pets love the energy. QigongEnergyHealing/ If you have any condition or symptom either physical, mental or emotional that concern you then see your medical doctor and/or other proper licensed medical health care professional. This spiritual energy work is not a substitute for medical treatment of any kind, either physical or psychological. I am not a medical doctor and neither I or the energy sessions heal, cure, prevent, diagnose or treat disease. Energy healing may help assist the mind/body to come into balance so that the innate healing ability of the mind/body can heal itself. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that when the energy in the body is flowing properly then good health and well-being is the result.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 18:06:20 +0000

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