I wanted to post this again, read and share! This is all a lie to - TopicsExpress


I wanted to post this again, read and share! This is all a lie to create fear in an attempt to instate Marshall law! This is illegal and wrong! Just two weeks before WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas was allegedly killed in the mysterious MH17 crash, he played a vital role in defusing WHO Ebola hype and a martial law declaration in July. In a press briefing in Geneva on June 27th, Thomas introduced WHO’s Ebola expert Pierre Formenty, who categorically denied that Ebola was “out of control” , as reporters and Doctors without Borders suggested. WHO’s own figures on confirmed Ebola cases show Ebola is under control. There is no Ebola epidemic. It is a scandal that an Ebola emergency was declared. There was no out of control swine flu outbreak in 2009 and there is no out of control Ebola outbreak in 2014. blogtalkradio/publicadvocate/2014/09/19/vaccine-adverse-reactions-with-dr-paul-g-king-host-sallie-o-elkordy EMERGENCY: HUGE FEMA PANDEMIC EXERCISE IN USA IN NOVEMBER, INTERNET SHUT DOWN PART OF EXERCISE 47 Votes +++EMERGENCY UPDATE++++++++++ FEMA IS PLANNING TWO HUGE PANDEMIC EXERCISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FINANCIAL SECTOR IN NOVEMBER +++EMERGENCY UPDATE++++++++++ POWER AND COMMUNICATIONS SHUT DOWN PART OF THE EXERCISE +++EMERGENCY UPDATE++++++++++ PLEASE PASS THIS REPORT ON TO EVERYONE ON YOUR EMAIL LIST WHETHER YOU ARE A US CITIZEN OR NOT ASK THEM TO PASS IT TO THEIR EMAIL LIST MAKE THIS INFORMATION GO GLOBAL. WE CAN PREEMPT ANY FALSE FLAG EBOLA OUTBREAK AND FEMA MARTIAL LAW BY SPREADING THE WORD PREPARE FOR AN INTERNET AND PHONE BLACK OUT, BACK UP ALL YOUR DOCUMENTS, SAVE NOT JUST LINKS BUT ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS PREPARE FOR A BANK CRASH AND FINANCIAL CRISIS IN NOVEMBER FEMA IS PLANNING TWO HUGE PANDEMIC EXERCIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FINANCIAL SECTOR IN THE USA IN NOVEMBER. US GOVERNMENT EXERCISES IN THE PAST HAVE PROVIDED COVER FOR FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS. PART OF THE PANDEMIC EXERCISE IS A SHUT DOWN OF POWER, INTERNET AND PHONES. THANK YOU TO ANDREA SANTANDER FOR THE FEMA DOCUMENT. sifma.org/services/bcp/fema-pandemic-exercise-series/ A two-year pandemic preparedness project by FEMA and the financial industry is to culminate with two full scale pandemic exercises in November. A FEMA document states the “Federal Executive Boards in New York City and Northern New Jersey in partnership with FEMA Region II, The Department of Health and Human Services Region II, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and the Clearing House Association are sponsoring a two year series of pandemic influenza continuity exercises,” which culminate in full scale exercises in November. The final planning meeting will be in on November 6th and 7th at 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY Conference Room A/B or Conference Call 800-320-4330; pin 528585#, states the document. On November 13, 2014 a pandemic influenza Wave 1 Full Scale Exercise and on November 20th, a Pandemic Influenza Wave 2 Full Scale Exercise. PLANNING FOR A POWER, PHONE AND INTERNET SHUT DOWN DURING IS PART OF THE EXERCISE. THE PANDEMIC EXERCISE SEEMS TO BE TIMED TO COINCIDE WITH AN ORCHESTRATED FINANCIAL MELTDOWN. THE PARTICIPATION OF THE FINANCIAL SECTOR IN A FEMA PANDEMIC EXERCISE IS A RED FLAG. THE Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and the Clearing House Association ARE PARTNERING FEMA IN THE PANDEMIC EXERCISE WHICH COULD SERVE AS A COVER FOR A REAL TIME FALSE FLAG EBOLA EVENT AND FINANCIAL CRASH. Zerohedge has warned an Ebola outbreak would be advantageous for Globalists seeking to impose martial law during a financial meltdown. zerohedge/news/2014-10-10/ebola-outbreak-would-be-advantageous-globalists US and UK central bankers are meeting in Washington next week to test a financial crash war game. “A financial crash to rival the one caused by Lehman Brothers’ collapse will be played out by the world’s most powerful central bankers next week, in a “war game” designed to help end the “too big to fail” problem. In the first simulation of its kind, Janet Yellen, the head of the US Federal Reserve, and Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, will be joined by Chancellor George Osborne and US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who will be tested on their reaction to a major US or UK bank failure.” telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/11155381/George-Osborne-and-Mark-Carney-to-play-financial-crash-war-game.html The pandemic exercise comes amid a false flag Ebola event on Texas territory as well as warnings by a Former Patrol Border Agent that FEMA is preparing for 200 million deaths. examiner/article/bp-agent-fema-is-preparing-for-200-million-deaths An orchestrated, simulated Ebola outbreak — water? — would provide the excuse for imposing martial law in the USA as a first step to medical tyranny around the globe.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:58:21 +0000

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