I wanted to say Ty to everyone who has supported me in my writing - TopicsExpress


I wanted to say Ty to everyone who has supported me in my writing and to show my thanks, I will give you a preview of my 2nd book by sharing chapter 1 for the next 48 hours! You have been warned if you have not read the first book!! SPOILERS!! ok, here we go! Chapter 1: The end is the beginning I feel a cool breeze upon my skin suddenly. It sends chills up my body. Goosebumps cover my limbs. I take a deep breath through my nose. The air is thick, putrid, and rotten. I roll over and let out deep coughs. Gasping for air through my mouth and trying to avoid the smells. I open my eyes. I see only darkness. I create a globes of light and scatter them across the floor. The first things I see are my hands covered in blood. I look around and see broken walls and cobwebs. Two swords lying in a pool of blood near a set of stairs leading up. I push myself up slowly; feeling my bones crack and pop. I rotate my neck feeling my joints release tension and popping as well. My clothes are blood stained. My fingernails have flesh in them. What happened? Suddenly... Visions of Amariel rushes to my mind... The fight with my sister... Amariel. When I tried to kiss Vargus. She expelled me from her home. She cast me out. No, she wouldnt. She is my sister... I crossed the line between her and Vargus. This is all my fault. I need to tell her Im sorry. I place my hands on my clothes and swipe down the front of my dress. The swipe magically washes away the blood down the front of my dress. I swipe another behind me and magically the blood fades. Thats better. I take a step forward and my foot catches on something forcing me to my hands and knees. My hand is cut on a rock as it hits the ground. I place it him my mouth giving a light suction. Another memory comes back to me. Zane placing his bleeding hand into his mouth... His eyes shimmered... Then we kissed. A familiar sense of pain overwhelms me as I wrap my arms around my stomach and rock a little. No... No... His blood. Its in me! I cant be... No! I cant! I slam my fist to the ground, and it cracks a little. I look at the wound I had a moment ago. Its already gone. I create a small mirror in my hand. My hand begins to shake as I try to look in it. No reflection. My heart sinks as I scream and smash the mirror into the ground. Glass shards splinter into my hand. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks. I scream again. I cant go to them now... Not like this... I pick myself up from the ground and slide my foot from under the root that caught it. I pluck out the few shards of glass that are embedded in my hand. My hands wounds heal quickly. I step towards the stair case and look at the pool of blood on the ground. Morgana is not here anymore... I crouch down and place my fingertips into the blood. Images flash into my mind. Zane cut his hand open and splashed his blood into Morganas wounds. She began to breathe life once more. Zane whispers to her, burn the forest to the ground. The images fade. Oh god! I have to warn Vargus and Amariel. I create another globe of light before climbing the stairs. I try to avoid the cobwebs that are up the stairs and I brush the remaining cobwebs away that catch me. Im rushing up the stairs and nearly trip over the skeleton laying on the steps against the wall. I Catch myself on the wall and notice a light near the top of the stairs. Sunlight! I see the lush forest still intact. I step out of the crypt and begin to hear saddened wails from the trees. The sun is high in the sky. I put my palm towards the sun to see how much longer till the sun started to set. I have some time. Its only slightly tilted from the center of the sky. I make my way to the forest and the wails become clearer. Why... Why did you embrace him...?” A tree moans. Youre not welcome here... anymore... Another moans. Leave this place... A third tree moans towards me. I turn to all the trees and plead to them. Please! My sister and Vargus are in danger! You are all in danger! We... are no more in danger... from any outside threat... than you being here now... little elf. One of the trees push me back with a branch. I push back against the trees limb. Morgana is coming! She is going to burn down the entire forest! Please! You have to listen... Just let me get to Vargus and my sister! You’re... not welcome here... anymore... you creature... of death... I feel the tree wrap around my back. Its branches begin to puncture my skin; feeling it wrap its finger like limbs around my stomach and chest, squeezing me. I start gasping for air. I push hard against the limbs hands. The trees hand opens slightly. I... dont think so... little elf... The tree begins to wrap his other branch around his already loosened grip. My strength gives and I once again am crushed. The branches are piercing my flesh all around me. With the last gasp of air I have left in me, You... brought this... on... yourself... With my bodies last bit of energy; I feel warmth come over my entire body and it bursts into fire. The tree quickly drops me as I catches fire. The tree moans in pain. I collapse to the ground and quickly fill my lungs with air. The other trees move away from the burning tree. The ground beneath me is scorching and catching fire. I stand and shout, LET ME THROUGH! OR I WILL BURN YOU ALL MYSELF! The trees move and make a path. The fire covering my body subsides. I quickly create a bubble containing magical water. It floats to the dying tree and bursts; exploding water over the tree extinguishing the flames. My Amariels voice enters my head. Do not enter my forest. This is your only warning. I close my eyes and focus on her mind. Please... my sister. Listen to me. Youre in... I feel a massive ringing in my head as I place my hands over temple and collapse to the ground. The pain is unbearable. A voice I never wanted to hear in my head again enters my mind. Morgana. Serenthial dear... You have already started my work. Let me help you finish the masters task. The small flames that are still ignited on the ground around me erupt. The fires explode in size and spread across the trees quickly. I dont feel the heat from the flames, but I hear the painful wails of the suffering trees. I try to connect my mind with hers but its no use. I cant feel her mind anymore. I have to stop this! My arms feel moisture expelling from around my arms and magical water expels from my hands. The fire quickly turns blue increasing in temperature and burning through the water. I cant stop it! I watch in horror briefly as all the trees are catching fire rapidly. The trees are moving as fast as they can; but they are barely capable of any speed at all. The trees start collapsing on each other igniting more. They are dying. Their painful haunting moans fill my head. I shake it off and come to my senses; realizing there is nothing more I can do for these living trees. I have to find Amariel and Vargus. The trees are now scattered and burning. There is no longer a visible path. But I see an area of the forest that hasnt caught fire yet. I start running into the fiery forest towards the untouched portion of the forest. The only thing running through my head is, please be safe Amariel, please be safe Vargus... I run through the dying forest and near the lush forest that is untainted by flames. I hear a familiar roar above me. Amariels dragon... She has to be near. I look above me and I dont see anything. I look around the tree branches; expecting it to be hidden among them like before. I dont see it there either. These trees arent alive... odd. I thought they all were. I look around and notice an open area leading outside the forest. Her camp! It must still be under her illusion, but I can at least try to get her attention there. The air is getting thicker from the smoke. Its still day light, but I cant even see the sun from the smoke in the burning forest. I begin to sprint as quickly I can, hopping over branches, small vines, and small holes. My sisters voice enters my head once more... I warned you sister... I make it outside the forest and turn around. The forest is almost all in flames now. The moans and screams of the living trees have ceased. Trees are collapsing more and more. I shout to my sister, Amariel! Come out! I must speak to you! I hear a thunderous crash behind me, and the ground shakes a little. I turn around and the mouth of a large green dragon roars at me. I fall backwards onto the ground; catching myself on my arms. Please Amariel, I dont want to fight you. Her voice echoes in my mind... You’re an abomination... you destroyed my home... you betrayed the one you once loved... and you betrayed ME! The dragon swipes its claw at me. I hold out my hand as the claw collides with a wall of force creating sparks. Please! Dont make me do this! The dragon rears back on its two legs and comes down even harder, breaking my shield and catching my arm. I let out a scream of pain as blood begins to pour from a deep wound its claws made. I whisper, Im so sorry... The dragon takes a step forward and lunges its wide and sharp mouth at me. Goosebumps run down my arm as a cold metal hilt forms in my hand. The dragon rears back again and swipes its claw at my injured arm. A magical blade forms out of the hilt and pierces the dragons arm; tearing into the scales easily. It roars in pain as it steps back. I push myself back up. Holding my sword towards the dragon. It begins to step to the side in a circle. I walk with it while keeping my eyes on the dragon. Please, I dont want to hurt you anymore... Amariel! We dont have to do this! The dragon quickly swipes its tail at me; knocking my sword and me back to the ground. I look at the dragon and know what must be done. I shed my flesh as my body begins to grow. My face extends, breaking quickly as I become something Im intimately familiar with now. My arms and leg break, extending and scales begin cover my body. The dragon steps back, limping from its wound. I force myself to my feet and roar at the dragon. It lunges towards me. I quickly move to the side driving my claws into its neck and forcing the green dragon to the ground. I pin it to the ground as it roars trying to break free. I drive my claws deeper into the dragons’ neck. I roar at the dragon, feeling its blood pour from my claws. I drive my foot onto its side pinning it further. It begins to dig into the earth trying to push itself up. I clench harder, tearing through the scales. I feel the dragons life beginning to leave its body. Its kicks are getting weaker. Amariel brought this upon herself. It didnt have to be this way. I notice a small glow beginning to form around the dragon. I step off of it and release my claws. I feel an immense amount of electricity jolt my body and throwing me across the ground. My muscles contract and spasm as the electricity begins to fade from my body. I look around and see Amariel caressing her dragon. Her green dress made from nature and Elvin silks. I notice a tear fall from her cheek. I revert back to my Elvin state and clothes form over my body. Amariel... please... I reach for her. I tried to warn you... I tried to make you leave... You almost killed her... The dragons wounds begin to heal. I stand up and walk towards Amariel. Im sorry... What Zane did... She turns to me with malice on her face, Zane! She gets up and walks towards me. You chose Zane! You kissed him... his blood now courses through your veins! Do you want to know what you are? She pulls out a knife from a belt strap on her thigh and cuts her hand. I watch the blood pour onto the grass. I collapse to the ground as my stomach begins to tie itself in knots. I begin to feel immediate starvation. No! I must fight it... I look towards her and something happens to my vision. I begin to see the blood in her clenched fist clearly. The cut on her hand is deep. Her circulatory system becomes visible as if she had no skin or muscles at all. I can feel her heart beating. Its strong, and without fear. I feel my canine teeth beginning to extend slightly. I strain to utter, Please... Amariel... stop this... I intend to... She motions her arm towards her dragon that steps right next to her. She places her hand on its spine, and sliding her fingers through the dragon. She clenches it like she did once before. Her carapace and dragon armor begin to form on her once more. Her dress tightens around her body, armor begins to form around her bosom, and down her pelvis. The golden trim covers the armor and scales form up to her breasts. A dragons scaled tiara forms around her forehead with the dragons eye glowing in the center. The bones of the spine again solidify creating the long bow staff. She slams the bottom of the staff on the ground once again and a familiar blade extends from it forming a scythe. The hunger has become unbearable. Her blood, her life essence is calling me. Begging for me to taste. A small green aura forms around her hand and heals her wound. I have to taste it... It smells so sweet... I reform the blade into my hands and step towards her. I take one heavy step at first, then another towards her. She takes a couple steps towards me and swings the blade upwards towards my head. I bring my blade catching hers. They meet and magical energy is pouring from my weapon. Feeling the heat and the cold from my weapon. I strain trying to keep her blade from my neck. She is stronger than I am... I fall back and my blade slides across hers. Her scythe cuts into my cheek in an upwards motion. She releases one hand from the scythe allowing it to complete a half circle before catching it again in her hands. I fall to my knees and wince covering the cut on my cheek still gripping my magical blade in my right hand. The pain is brief before the wound heals on its own. I wipe my cheek and look down at my hand; seeing the blood that came from my face. My body grows warm with anger. The feeling of bloodlust fades. My vision returns to normal, but the realization that she is really trying to kill me sets in. I fought hard to find her, and now she is trying to kill me instead of help me. I will not allow her the chance. She takes a step towards me and grips her scythe preparing to use it again. I feel something wrapping around my left foot and around my ankle. Please Serenthial; let me end your torment… I look down briefly and see the vines trying to hold me in place. I look down briefly and say with a bit of sadness, “Im sorry too Amariel… She twists her hands and turns her body in almost a full circle with the scythe coming towards me. But I will end you… I hold out one of my hands as the scythe nears me and shatters against a magical shield legs staggering her. She collapses to one knee and her scythes blade sticks into the ground. I quickly slice my own leg with my blade and step towards Amariel. She see me approaching her and motions her hand as the earth beneath my feet quake and open slightly as my bleeding foot steps into a small hole. I trip slightly before catching myself. She grips her hand and the earth crushes around my foot. I scream in pain as the bones in my foot splinter and break completely around the earth. My body begins to feel flush and my breathing is getting more difficult. I take slow and deep breaths. Amariel stands up, that should hold you long enough for Vargus to see you one last time… I utter with almost no breath, Vargus..? He would never forgive me without saying goodbye to his childhood and best friend… A painful tear rolls down my face. She turns away and motions her hand. Her entire camp reveals itself. Vargus! I found Serenthial! Bring your equipment! Amariel pulls her scythe from the ground and steps towards her home of earth, leaves, and stone. I have to try to get out of this. Vargus wont let me live if he sees me! My body begins to feel normal again as the pain numbs from my body trying to heal the nerves. I place my hand on the ground and dig my fingers into the earth. Moisture begins to cover my arm and water begins to pour from my hand moistening the earth around my shattered foot. I look and see Amariel’s door open. Amariel places her scythe into the ground. Vargus steps out in full gear armor. His shield on his back and his sword in his scabbard. His eyes catch mine and I quickly look down feeling shame and embarrassment all over my body. I begin to feel the cool water almost around my ankle. He shouts, Whats going on? Whats the meaning of this Amariel? He begins to quickly walk towards me. Help her! Amariel just puts her head down. As Vargus gets closer to me I notice looking down and through my hair strands that his sword and shield begin to glow. Amariel stops Vargus as he passes her. Look… She points at the flicker of light shining out the top of his scabbard. He looks down and pulls out his sword. Whats going on Amariel? The earth around my shattered foot has loosened enough to heal my shattered foot. It begins to regenerate quickly. Amariel touches Varguss arm, Zane… He pushes Amariel away, No! Not her… I dont believe it! Amariel places her hands on Varguss temples on his head. My foot has healed completely. I pull slightly realizing that I can finally release my foot. Amariel releases her hands from Varguss head. I see a sadness fall upon Varguss face as he looks towards me. His look of sadness becomes disgust. He turns away from me and nods at Amariel before walking back towards the house. She pulls her scythe from the ground and walks towards me. Amariel stops in front of me. I will give you peace sister… I love you Serenthial… I brace my leg on the ground getting ready to push forward. I grip my sword tight. She raises her scythe preparing to bring it down upon me one final time. I put all my weight on my right foot and pull my left foot out. I thrust my blade forward closing my eyes briefly. I hear a slight moan as my blade catches little resistance and presses through. I open my eyes and see Amariel staring into my eyes as she drops her scythe. I look at my blade piercing through her chest. Her face full of pain and sadness. She coughs lightly and blood seeps from her mouth. Her armor begins to fade and green mist pours onto the ground around the scythe. The green dragon begins to reappear. It lays there on the ground from a wound in its chest. Blood seeps out of the wound. It lets out a small painful squeal before dying. She utters the words, I never wanted this… I begin to panic and my heart begins to race. I quickly pull my sword out of her. What have I done?! Tears begin to form in my eyes. I turn to Vargus and shout, Vargus! Help me! Amariel collapses to her knees. Vargus turns to me and sees a bloodied blade in my hand and notices Amariel collapse. Amariel! He shouts as he runs quickly towards her. I crawl backwards a few feet. He wraps his arms around her. A smile forms on her face as her face begins to lose color, becoming pale. Tears begin to fall down my cheek. I killed my sister… My heart begins to break and my chest feels like it’s caving in. I should have listened and left… Everything I had done… I did to find her… I remember the first time you held me like this… With pain in his voice, Please… dont talk… She begins to gasp for air. I… I... love you… Vargus… Her breaths become sporadic before they stop. Her body goes limp in his arms. He pulls her close and presses her against him. I love you… Amariel… I stand up and take a step towards Vargus. Im… Im sorry… She gave me no choice… He lays her down gently onto the grass and shuts her eyes. He places his hands on his knees and begins to mumble a prayer. I will leave… I wipe away my tears. I will never return. He stands from his prayer and places his hand on his sword and pulls his shield from his back. No… You wont. You’re an abomination… You chose death… I will release you from that… Vargus… I loved my sister… He interrupts, it is my duty as a paladin of Syntheria to purge the evils of this world. That is my oath. The ankh on his shield glows bright. He pulls his sword from his scabbard and it glows like a burning white light. I will banish you from this earth. My heart is racing and is full of fear with tears in my voice, Vargus! Dont do this! I see him grab a flask from his belt. He pulls the cork out of the bottle and pours it all over his sword and shield. I have to defend myself. I will try to just incapacitate him and leave. I have to hunt down Morgana and Zane for this. Vargus… Dont do this… I dont want to hurt you but I will! Dont worry. This will be quick. He takes a step towards me and swings his sword vertically. I slow time briefly to dodge his swing I scream as I begin to feel a burning sensation in my right eye and down the right side of my face. I collapse to my knee grasping at my face. The pain is unbearable. I try to open my eye and I can only see on my left side. My wounds are not healing at all. I quickly push myself up and step backwards before collapsing again. I painfully plead, Please… let me go Vargus… He gains ground against me and swings his sword again. I create a shield to crash against his sword. He recovers and thrusts his sword quickly. I hold out my hand as fire envelops my arm and expels out of my hand. The fire catches him before his sword can reach me. I stand up channeling the flames. He screams in pain before throwing his shield in front of him. He groans in pain as he steps towards me with his shield in front of him. I feel static across my other arm. The hairs on my arm begin to stand up. I raise my hand as a bolt of lightning strikes down upon him, but he throws his shield up as lightning courses around the top of the shield. He slams his shield against my chest causing the electricity from the shield to course through me and the holy water to soak through my robe. I painfully scream more as my body begins to burn and my skin begins to melt. I collapse back to my knees. I hear his voice through my painful winces trying to contain the burns. Find peace… you abomination… I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. The burning sensation fades as I see Varguss blade through my stomach. My body goes numb in sadness and heartbreak. My arms collapse to my side. I gasp to take a breath and cough up blood. Vargus…My protector… my friend… Im… so sorry… His reaction is emotionless. He just stares at me. I begin to feel a burning sensation from inside me. Tears begin to fall from my eyes. I feel his foot press onto my chest as he shoves me to the ground and off his blade. I collapse on my side… I cover my stomach, pull my feet up towards my chest, and begin to cry. Memories flood my mind. Years of my human parents smiles at me throughout my life. School friends, Vargus when he was younger sitting next to me on the carriage. Max taking care of me when I needed him traveling town to town. Finding Vargus again and my sister… Amariel. Her smile; feeling whole as a family. I feel numb… My body begins to turn grey and break into ash. My body is trying to heal the wounds quickly, but I am decaying. I no longer feel my legs or arms… I close my eyes. The last memory is in the church… Vargus holding me and pressing his lips to mine. Feeling the warmth of his kiss. I release one final tear before the memory fades…
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:06:40 +0000

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