I was a little boy growing up Down in the state of South - TopicsExpress


I was a little boy growing up Down in the state of South Carolina. The song had been Written and recorded by a man named T. Texas Tyler. The song in its original form related to something that Happened during the second World War. Last year, early in 1991, when things were going kinda crazy over on the other Side of the world, I remembered this old song. And I rewrote The first part of it to fit the situation. The second part of it I Left like its been all of these years, because you cant Improve upon perfection. Id like to dedicate this tonight to all The Veterans, to their families, their loved ones and Everybody that loves this country. It was a sweltering hot Sunday morning in the Saudia Arabian Desert and a young soldier sat alone in his tent, deep in Thought. A picture of his wife and children back home in the United States, rested on a table nearby. His mind began to Wander across the miles, back to other Sunday mornings, That seemed so long ago, now, and so far away. He thought Of home and he knew that when this day dawned in America, His family would go to church, to pray for his well-being and His safe return. The young soldier reached into his bag and he Took out a deck of playing cards. He began to spread them Out across his bunk. About that time, one of his buddies came By and said, You gonna get up a game? No, the soldier Replied, Im gonna spend a little quiet time with the Lord. Looks like to me youre playing cards. his friend Said. No, you see, I dont have my Bible and since we cant Display our religion in public, here, I brought along this deck Of cards. And with that, the young boy started his story. You see, when I look at the Ace, It reminded me that there Is but one God; and the Deuce reminds me that the Bible is Divided into two parts. The Old and the New Testaments. When I look at the Trey, I think of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Ghost. When I see the Four, Im reminded of the Four Evangelists, who preached the Gospel. There was Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And when I see the Five, I Think of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps. There Were ten of them, five were wise and were saved. Five were Foolish and were shut out. And when I look at the Six, Im Reminded that in six days, God made this great heaven and Earth. The Seven reminds me that on the seventh day, God Rested from His great work. When I see the Eight, I think of The eight righteous persons God saved when He destroyed This old world. There was Noah, his wife, their three sons and Their wives. And when I look at the Nine, I think of the lepers Our Saviour cleansed. And nine out of the ten, didnt even Thank Him. And when I see the Ten, I think of the Ten Commandments God handed down to Moses on the table of Stone. When I look at the King, it reminds me that there is but One King of Heaven, God Almighty. The Queen reminds me of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven. And the Jack, or Knave is the Devil. When I count the number of spots on a deck of cards, I find 365 - the number of days in a year; Theres 52 cards - the number of weeks in a year; Theres 4 suits - the number of weeks in a month; Theres 12 picture cards - the number of months in a year; Theres 13 tricks - the number of weeks in a quarter. So you see, my friend, this deck of cards serves me as a Bible, as an Almanac and as a Prayer Book. And friends, this story is true, I know, because I know that soldier. ...
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:11:12 +0000

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