I was asked why I wrote on this subject since there are many - TopicsExpress


I was asked why I wrote on this subject since there are many references to each potion of it....... I guess I should have addressed this earlier in the site .... So here it goes! I have spend a good portion of my career in the developing world and have seen many MultiNationals engaged with local governments on a wide range of transactions many of them on natural resources that in many cases could end the struggle of these nations and the quality of life for their citizens....one such transaction I have followed close in my home country of Suriname and even though the final agreement it made with the a large mining firm was not a bad deal, I believe if the deal was structured more as a first world deal, Suriname would be reaping much greater rewards in the years to come. I tried to offer my expertise but how do you convince someone that you have a better option that deserves to be looked at when the person you are addressing barely understands economics 101 and has no idea how the international public markets function. That s why I wrote this book. Specifically for people whom are placed in public service, for people whom in simple words can understand this most important industry that effects everyone in the world daily. I can go on about this, but the book will speak the words I wish to continue on and once the information is understood then one can more easily understand the many areas of our financial system by enrolling in many courses offered free online on each specific area in much greater detail. I here recommend coursica, but a simple search will certainly link you up with many more sites. My wish is that everyone in the developing world in any leadership or advisory position read my book.... I passionately believe that if deals are made on a more win win basis between foreign firms and their local counterparts or governments then these nations would earn more, which translate in development, which reduces poverty and health issues. To the developed world it also means more foreign trade as these nations will have the wealth to purchase goods and services and would require less foreign aid to sustain the selfs. I know some nations would prefer the economic colonialism model to continue to keep ex colonies in their grip, but the greater good and future world security would be better severed if this was stopped. Point in case is the Palestinian Israel problem and the list is long if every country were discussed individually.... In closing I would welcome you comments and discussions or questions I may be able to answer on the subject matter. Regards...John.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 04:15:05 +0000

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