I was born into conventional reality and taught that George - TopicsExpress


I was born into conventional reality and taught that George Washington never told a lie and policemen are here to help me. I was an impressionable child and believed uncritically. Later in my 20s, I no longer accepted the pablum fed me, and had a vague sense that the guys at the top (like LBJ at the time) were constantly lying. My evidence then was their hollow intonation, the dead look in their eyes, their inarticulateness (pauses while searching for the right word, which often seemed to be the), the inevitable need for war, etc. All I knew was that the establishment was hollow and empty as far as I was concerned. I dropped out of college and played in a band. In other words, I was a happy hippy. Fast forward a few decades, marriage, kid, job, degrees, mere life, sought enlightenment, and I softened in my views. I was awakened when the Republicans went after Clinton over his stupid affair with Monica. It was very absurd: Republicans (Like Clinton, also womanizers) revealed that they were nothing but hypocrites and self-serving jackals. But I didnt imagine the Right would be as bad as President GW Bush after he, Vice President Cheney, and their pals on the supreme court told Florida it didnt have the right to recount ALL the votes in order to establish factually who the heck actually won the 2000 election. (a year later, it was established that if ALL the votes had been re-counted Gore would have won regardless of hanging chads) Now, I was REALLY paying attention. Come 911 and its dubious official narrative. My faith in government, particularly Republican government, ceased entirely. Presently, after observing the open endorsement of torture, of brazen invasions of countries which hadnt threatened us, and the unconscionable disregard for innocent life, Ive concluded that the world is literally being led by psychopaths. In America, were stuck in the unenviable position of voting between a party not even worth discussing (the Rs) and a party only slightly better (arguably at least), with third parties being thoroughly excluded from any possibility of success (apart from assuring the victory of the worst of the two parties). All through the decades, there has been conventional reality being pushed 24/7 by our lapdog media, which is peopled by journalists and pundits who know if they dare utter the truth, or ask pertinent questions, theyll lose the career they sweated blood to achieve. Remember Phil Donohue? Dan Rather? My point in this rambling bio is that conventional reality, a fake consensus, is all that is offered from on high. I suppose most people are so busy now days just surviving and dealing with family that close observation of the psychopathology on high (and on low) is too much to expect. Which in turn allows the psychopathy to continue in relative privacy and primacy. People arent stupid as much as asleep. It will likely take calamity to awaken the slumbering. Even now, however, some are rousing. All I can do is seek the unchangeable within while watching the political theater. I no longer think there is a wisp of political hope. The cards are stacked. Only a significant awakening will change matters. I wish us luck ;-))
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 21:37:23 +0000

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