I was giving the number 7 (by my beautiful little cousin Shawnee - TopicsExpress


I was giving the number 7 (by my beautiful little cousin Shawnee Bridges ) so here I go; 1.) I am Blessed to have a amazing man in my life Lucan Ron Ensey (21 years in February) anyone who can put up with Me for this long I know is truely the one God intended to be my life time partner! I love him with everything I am! He is one of Gods many Blessings I have ! 2. ) My oldest son Dakota Ryan , I did become a mother at a early age of 19 , & I know God gave me him so young because I was weak & he has been my strength from the first moment I looked in his pretty blue eyes! At the age of 18 he will be starting College in the Spring, Dakota has so much compassion for every person animal insect he has a heart of gold , He has always made me proud and has always set good examples for his siblings! He is always the first to help someone in need and expects nothing in return.Not only my first born son but my best friend! And someone worth looking up too ! My Hero 3.) My Angel in heaven (Savanah Rechelle ) I had her at the age of 20, although she was only here for three months 2 weeks and 6 hours and 23 min Every second of time I will cherish until I take my last breath , I couldnt put into words the hurt and emptiness of losing her I feel but I know we will reunite when my time here is done ! Losing her made me a more compassionate person , maybe a little over protective parent and has brought me closer to Jesus! 4) My daughter at the age of 21 Destiny Rene well her name says it all, we found out I was pregnant with Destiny Ensey just a few weeks after Savanah went home to Jesus ! Very tough time in my life ! Destiny was suppose to be a boy, and when I heard the doctor say its a girl I had so many emotions , I could never put into words! When she was placed in my arms I knew my world would never be the same ! She is very compassionate, she cares about everyone very intelligent and always stands up for what is Right, she is very sensitive and is absolutely Beautiful! She is my Hero as well as my Destiny! She is very intelligent, she has a great personality , shy and refuses to see her self as the world sees her ! Amazing in every way! 5.) My Son at the age of 24 Dylan Reeves , he is my miracle, after having Destiny I had female cancer removed that I had since the age of 16. I was told Id never have anymore kids. They didnt know my Jesus!;) Dylan is very out spoken , he is full of energy, very competitive, speaks his mind , sensitive like his momma, very giving, has many many talents and he keeps us all on our toes! Tell him he cant he will show you that he will ! He is very protective of his Sister, and brother and Luke and I ! He also tries to be a consular LOL He will always be my baby even though he is going on 14! 6.) My Nephew & Nieces , Scooter Kati Kalyn Maddi, (Great)Kaiden Kylah Kamryn , although Im sure their parents wished Id let them be their parents and me just be their Meme lol, they know I love them and am & will always be there for them no matter what , and there business I have and will always make my business ;) they have brought many happy tears and a few sad ones , I wouldnt trade their love for anything ! So proud of each of them, 7) My Parents and siblings , My Dad for always providing for us, for not giving up , for his time served for his country ! My Mom for being the person she was , for making my dads world complete! I wouldnt trade them or my childhood for the world because it has made me be the person I am today ! Strong !! My brother Bubba, the biggest heart youve will ever know! He is our rock !My brother Tobey , has a lot of compassion for people and a big heart but trys to act like he dont ! My brothers were like my own when Mom and Dad divorced I tried to fill Mommas shoes ! When the boys got married I still tried to tell them what to do lol, they did get tired of their sister fighting their battles especially Bubba ! All though Bubba is older about to be 39 and Tobey is 36 I still see them as my little brothers who need protecting ! They know their sister will always love them and would do anything for them! Tasha I always admired, I looked up to ! Thought she had horrible taste in boys when she was in 7th grade Although she was with Mom most their divorce , once we all got back together I looked up to her and admired the mom she was to her babies and wanted to be that kind of mom! Over the years Im sure I annoyed her by always being in her business but shed think I was sick if I stopped now ! She knows I love her and will always be here for her, Im out of numbers so thats all folks
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:12:47 +0000

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