I was having a conversation with a fellow Republican yesterday - TopicsExpress


I was having a conversation with a fellow Republican yesterday discussing the 2016 Presidential election when I made the statement If the GOP national organization doesnt change dramatically, I believe Hillary will be the next President. He seemed shock but, although I do not want Hillary to be the next President, I stand by statement and I believe my reasoning makes sense. First, if you ever donated money to a national GOP group, you have probably been bombarded with constant mail and phone calls asking you for more money. I have never received a call or email or even a message delivered via carrier pigeon asking me to volunteer or donate my time to a national candidate, just my money. The GOP must stop viewing Americans as human ATM machines. Its discouraging and insulting to those of us who give our time, energy and sweat to national GOP causes and candidates. Furthermore, I dont need to be told by a telemarketer or an email that I have turned my back on Republicans because I dont have any more money to send to the national party. Silly me for thinking that the hundreds of hours I donate to supporting candidates would be appreciated. Foolish me for not realizing that spending nearly every available minute I have supporting and working for and, often, donating my time to national GOP candidates and causes is the same as abandoning the party because my bank account cant afford yet another donation. Forgive me for donating my money to state level republicans. I understand that campaigns are expensive and we should donate the money that we can but when we dont have any more to donate, we should not be the target of a scolding email from the RNC. Secondly, the field organization is very important. The Democrats seems to understand that (on a national level). The DNC highly organizes their field organizations in all 50 states and in every county of each state. They stay in touch with their field volunteers in non-election years. They train them and nurture them. Hillary will benefit from that highly organized and developed national field organization that the DNC has developed. Our nominee, unfortunately, will start from behind in the field/grassroots game and that is unfortunate. Finally, we must welcome younger and more diverse voters in a way that works. I am not advocating that the party decide to change anything to attract younger voters. I am simply suggesting we work harder to understand what is important to them and then show them how the GOP platform works for them. I am for traditional marriage. I am very conservative in most social issues. HOWEVER, I do understand why these younger voters are not concerned with social issues. If you are 26 years old with $100k in student debt and you have had to move home to your moms house because you cant find a job in an Obama economy, it is hard to focus on gay marriage as a big issue in your life. You are too worried about getting a job, paying your school loans and getting out of your childhood bedroom. Lets focus on economic issues and jobs and we will be much more successful in attracting younger voters. I am fortunate to work in Alabama for a great leader who values his constituents, focuses daily on bringing great jobs to this state and values his field organization and his volunteers. Maybe the national GOP should come spend a month or so in Alabama and see how we do it. They could apply a few of those things to the National GOP and we might just have a shot at beating Hillary. Lord, I hope so.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:42:05 +0000

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