I was lying in my bed last night, carefully reviewing my day. In - TopicsExpress


I was lying in my bed last night, carefully reviewing my day. In my efforts to do so, I was unable to relieve my mind of the thoughts and concerns that I have regarding the state of our nation and, probably more directly, the state of our government. Our government is currently debating whether to militarily engage in the civil war of a nation in which we hold absolutely no interest. Furthermore, this strike that our military would be engaging in is extremely unpopular with THE PEOPLE of the United States. However a senate committee voted 10-7 to proceed with said military action. In addition, the government bureaucracy is attempting to force THE PEOPLE of the United States to purchase healthcare. And to ensure that THE PEOPLE abide by these rules and regulations; if THE PEOPLE do not obtain this healthcare, a hefty tax will be waged against THE PEOPLE of the United States. And if the healthcare is what the government deems to be “Cadillac”? Well they’re going to tax that too. Because the bureaucracy wants THE PEOPLE to have the healthcare that they want THE PEOPLE to have, not what THE PEOPLE want. Simply put, if you don’t have the healthcare, they’re going to tax you. But if you’re healthcare is too good? Well they’ve got a tax for that too. Now I’ve never attempted to say that I’m the smartest person that I know. But a government that can force THE PEOPLE to purchase something through levying taxes and fines, now is that not communism at its finest? I mean, let’s not try to put lipstick on a pig, pretty it up and call it socialism. I hope that we’re all slightly more intelligent than that. And what, exactly, do we call a government that makes decisions and carries out actions that are widely against the wishes and desires of THE PEOPLE that they are supposed to serve? What, exactly, do we call a government that spies on those very same people without subpoena, due process or, at least, good reason? I know what I call it but I’m not going to use the word again. But I think that the root of the problem is very clear. Whatever happened to a government by THE PEOPLE and for THE PEOPLE? Unfortunately, I believe that what happened is THE PEOPLE. Now it is clear that things have changed from even the time that I grew up and I’m only 29 years old. I was having a conversation with an older friend of mine yesterday in which we were discussing gun racks in pickup trucks. I grew up riding in the woods in my papaw’s truck. Papaw’s truck always had a gun rack in it and, most of the time, there was a gun in that gun rack. I haven’t seen a gun rack in years and we were discussing why that is. We could only produce two explanations: 1. That the gun in the gun rack may frighten some, let’s say, uneducated people and 2. That, chances are, the gun wouldn’t be there when you came back out of Walmart because someone had busted your window out and stolen it. Everyone knows that people have been engaging in behavior that could be considered criminal, or at least deviant, since the beginning of recorded history. But how long has it been since you could leave your car unlocked as you walked into the gas station for a drink? My grandparents spoke of a time when you could leave your doors unlocked as you slept without fear of being robbed, raped or killed. I doubt the words “home invasion” were ever used in their time. But I digress. Society and THE PEOPLE are selfish. We have become a greedy and egocentric society that desires instant gratification. We envy. We covet. We take. There is no more God and country. There is no more God. There is no more country. There is no more. There is only “ME”. Society no longer rewards hard work. Quite the opposite, we support mediocrity and, to some degree, laziness. There was a point in time that we were the envy of all nations. We have become, in many cases, the laughing stock of the world. This, to me, is in large part because of THE PEOPLE. Myself included. There are too many that feel they have no say, there is nothing they can do, it’s out of their hands, beyond their control. There are too many who don’t try. There are too many who choose to stay blind to the facts that are in front of them. There are too many who would rather spend their time watching “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.” The time has come that it is the responsibility of THE PEOPLE to take back THEIR government. It is time that we work hard, claim our destiny, declare our future, and labor toward the way of life that the preponderance of us desire. I don’t want to be told what to do, what to buy, where to go, and how to live. I don’t want people thinking for me, making decisions for me, and living MY life. This machine that is the government wishes to do just that. This is not a partisan issue. No, I don’t agree with the POTUS and the vast majority of his policies and principles. But he can’t achieve all of this alone. There are many others, who some might consider to be on my side of the street, that go along to get along. There are plenty of others within the system who are only greasing the wheels of the machine. They look to grow the federal government, diminish states’ rights, take away individuals’ rights, indoctrinate children, and create sheep. I want to live my life freely and without fear. But, today, I’m afraid of my own government. Most civilizations seem to follow the same identifiable sequence – “from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, and finally from dependence back to bondage.” (Andy Andrews). Where are we? Any government that is large enough to provide everything is certainly large enough to take it away. I apologize that this is poorly written and probably all over the place. But this is , off the cuff, how I feel.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 17:36:36 +0000

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