I was on 3 News tonight because my campaign team had a look at a - TopicsExpress


I was on 3 News tonight because my campaign team had a look at a proposed website designed to take down Kim Dotcom and stop him from buying the seat of Te Tai Tokerau with his $3million dollars. We explored this concept, debated it, then along with the Labour Party hierarchy decided it wasnt in line with our Vote Positive messages and ditched it. It was all about Kim Dotcom. This is the same Kim Dotcom who donated $50,000 to far-right wing disgraced politician John Banks. This is the same Kim Dotcom who said the police turning up at his front door was as bad as the suffering Maori have endured for close to two centuries. This is the same Kim Dotcom had nothing to do with Maori until he found a way to take advantage of some to try to keep himself out of an American jail. This is the same Kim Dotcom whos garage is bigger and flasher than 99% of homes in Te Tai Tokerau, and still cries poor me. This is the same Kim Dotcom, who if he really cared about the people of Te Tai Tokerau, would have got out with all the Labour volunteers after the floods and storms and distributed food packages to those who needed them instead of staying tucked up in the mansion. This is the same Kim Dotcom who turned up to hui up north in a limousine while kaumatua and kuia rode in a rattly bus. This is the same Kim Dotcom whose interference in Te Tai Tokerau politics was described as a disgrace to over 300 people at the Ngati Hine hearings in Pipiwai yesterday. I make no apologies about looking at a website that asked the public to donate $5, $10 or whatever they wish to koha, to bring down a fake. Im just an ordinary Maori living up north trying to stop the biggest con in New Zealands political history from being pulled against my whanau, my hapu, my iwi. I make no apologies if theres another Maori politician in the north feeling pretty sensitive about all the criticism hes copping from hapu throughout Te Tai Tokerau because of the con job. Im prepared to cop the criticism from him because its just the price a person pays when he stands up for his people and his principles.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 09:56:39 +0000

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