I was spending the day with a friend I had not seen for a while - TopicsExpress


I was spending the day with a friend I had not seen for a while when she started complaining that I had changed, that she was feeling neglected by me. Surprised, I looked at her, lost for words. I had left messages on all her numbers and networks without a response/acknowledgement before deciding to draw a line. One can only do so much and I felt I had done my bit. As we continued our meeting, amidst the shared plate of delicious spicy chicken wings and salad she had heartily prepared, her phone rang. My friend looked at the screen, ignored her phone saying “I wish people would leave me alone”. I didn’t know what to say but looked at her in a long silence before dropping my gaze onto the plate and nibbling on the chicken wing. I was upset. My friend tried to get back to the conversation we were having before her phone rang, but I was struggling, not knowing what to say, or whether to announce my departure. “What’s wrong? you seem to have gone all funny and quiet on me” she said. Everyone has got things going on in their lives and people can only do so much before holding back I said I went on to remind her that Sometimes we have to take responsibility for the way people treat us. “Oh? Why do you say that? I thought we were talking about holidays just now?” she said surprised, perhaps oblivious to what was going on. Trying hard not to sound upset or irritated, I told her what had happened. With tears in her eyes she sat back, fully settling into her seat, her face firmly resting in both her hands “Woow! I’ve just now realised.... thank you. Sometimes we call rejection and loneliness upon ourselves” she said, suddenly looking alive. The rest of our meeting was an afternoon of therapy and celebration for both of us as we talked, wiped a few tears and laughed. That was several months ago now and I am grateful for healthier relationship we are now enjoying..
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:19:10 +0000

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