I was there and it is evident that The Eriec County GOP used him - TopicsExpress


I was there and it is evident that The Eriec County GOP used him to generate funds to endorse idiots like Mark Grisante. Trump will run but only if there is no primary and Cox is forcing Astorino, someone that cant win. WE NEED TO GET RID OF PEOPLE LIKE NICK LANGWORTHY AND ELECT A REAL REPUBLICAN TO HEAD ERIE COUNTY GOP. PLEAE VOTE IN THE POLL BELOW NEW YORKERS I’m sure 800 to 1,000 people (including myself) are asking the same question. Did I waste my time going to Buffalo to hear first hand what Trump had to say? 4 main things is what I heard Trump say: Trump is 100% for FULL Repeal of the Safe Act Trump is 100% against Albany’s passage of “tax free zones”. Trump thinks the leadership of the Republican Party sucks and must have “new blood”. He asked for new people to step up and lead. Trump’s speech and actions said he is ignorant (clueless) about running a political campaign for the Governor of New York. 3 personal observations: Trump drew more people to an event than any potential candidate has – including Cuomo or Astorino. Trump raised more money for the Republican Party at this annual Buffalo Fund Raiser than ever before in history 90+% of the people attending were there for Trump and were not there to support the Republican Party. Trump did not make any effort whatsoever to make friends with, meet or mingle with the people that came strictly to meet him. The Question remains: Who Do the People of New York Want for their next Governor? *** Please Vote in the Grassroots POLL for Governor of New York *** Vote here: webideaz/sanityinny/poll/nygov.html *** Please help spread the word *** All New Yorkers are being asked to take this poll. It is not like other polls – This is a Poll of, by and for the people – ALL the People. NOT run for a self-interest group – not targeted at any specific people or political slant. Does NOT exclude any candidate. The selections are ALL the known viable candidates for governor. “The Poll of the People” for the next Governor of New York. Fair and open to ALL Vote here: webideaz/sanityinny/poll/nygov.html Grassroots Statement: It matters not which political party we talk about. The government of New York is responsible for the decay, lack of prosperity and well being of the people of New York. Most politicians sent to Albany have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are incompetent, corrupt and lawless. WE elected a bunch of fools that just wander the halls of OUR capitol and follow orders dictated to them by a cabal of greedy corrupt misfits. It is more important than anytime in history for the everyday people to unite and stand against the current the disgraceful political class. It is time WE really demonstrate the power of the people. It is time for “WE the People” to FORCE a complete change in New York’s direction. I’m sick of being played for a fool, tossed aside and abused – aren’t YOU? Fear NOT – Be Proud – Stand Tall –help US fight City Hall. Start Now – Start Here - YOUR VOTE COUNTS – Take the Poll. Who Should Be OUR Next Governor? Vote here: webideaz/sanityinny/poll/nygov.html Hear OUR Message – it’s FREE to participate: Plain Folks UNITE: Big/Small – Rich/Poor – Young/Old – Open to ALL – Join OUR Movement. We are Grassroots – nothing fancy – not even a Website or face-book. Our sole way to communicate is through personal email and phone. We urge ALL plain folks to spread the word and join us. UPDATES: Get Connected to the Email List albel1@aol …Just say – “sign me up”
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 14:52:15 +0000

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